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Schedule for Friday, June 12, 2020

The Senate stands adjourned until 12:01am on Friday, June 12, 2020.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Calendar #75, H.R.1957, the legislative vehicle for the Great American Outdoors Act.


The filing deadline for 2nd degree amendments is one hour prior to the cloture vote, if cloture is invoked.


As a reminder, during Wednesday’s session Senator McConnell file cloture on the substitute, the underlying bill, and on the Walker nomination.


The cloture vote on the substitute will occur at 1:01am on Friday, June 12. We expect to adjourn shortly after the cloture vote until 3:00pm on Monday.


1:01am on Friday, June 12—1 roll call vote

1.      Motion to invoke cloture on substitute amendment #1617 (Great American Outdoors Act)