1. Schatz amendment #2252 (re: DoD transfers of property to law enforcement agencies); not agreed to: 51-49 (60-affirmative vote threshold)
2. Inhofe amendment #2411 (re: DoD transfers of property to law enforcement agencies); agreed to: 90-10.
3. Cornyn amendment #2244 (re: semiconductor manufacturing); agreed to: 96-4.
Legislative Business
By voice vote, agreed to Shaheen amendment #1729 (re: PFAS study funding)
Adopted S.Res.654, designating July 25, 2020, as “National Day of the American Cowboy.”
Passed S.3989, to amend the United States Semiquincentennial Commission Act of 2016 to modify certain membership requirements of the United States Semiquincentennial Commission, and for other purposes.
Executive Business
This evening, Senator McConnell filed cloture on Executive Calendar #643, William Scott Hardy, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania. This cloture vote would occur after disposition of S.4049, NDAA, or one hour after the Senate convenes on Thursday, whichever is later.