Roll Call Votes
1. Passage of H.R.8337, Continuing Resolution; passed: 84-10.
2. Motion to proceed to S.178, Uighur Act (legislative vehicle for Republican COVID proposal); agreed to 48-46.
3. Motion to table Tillis amendment #2673 (re: preexisting conditions); not tabled: 47-47.
Legislative Business
Passed the following bills:
S.4762, Senator Kay Hagan Airport Traffic Control Tower
H.R. 1952, Intercountry Adoption
S.910, National Sea Grant, w/ Wicker amendment
S.1069, Digital Cost Act
H.R.561, Veterans Small Business
S.3681, Ensuring Health Safety in the Skies Act, w/Markey amendment
S.4403, to amend the Nutria Eradication and Control Act of 2003
H.R.3399, to amend the Nutria Eradication and Control Act of 2003
H.R.991, Extension of Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act
Adopted the following resolutions:
S.Res.687, Coya Knutson
S.Res.694, Chief Petty Officers in Coast Guard
S.Res.730, National Small Business Week
S.Res.731, Lights on Afterschool
S.Res.732, National Bison Day
S.Res.733, Preservation Society of Charleston
S.Res.734, National Falls Prevention Awareness Week
S.Res.735, National Urban Wildlife Refuge Day
S.Res.736, Kinship Care Month
S.Res.737, Veterans Suicide Prevention Day
S.Res.738, National Suicide Prevention Month
S.Res.739, Family Service Learning Week
S.Res.740, Energy Efficiency Day
S.Res.741, Nuclear Weapons Workers Day of Remembrance
Began the Rule 14 process to place the following bills on the Legislative Calendar of Business:
1. S.4773, to establish the Paycheck Protection Program Second Draw Loan (Collins)
2. S.4774, to provide support for air carrier workers, and for other purposes. (Wicker)
3. S.4775, to provide continued emergency assistance, educational support, and health care response for individuals, families, and businesses affected by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. (McConnell)
Executive Business
Exec. Cal. #845 - Lt. Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli to be General
Exec. Cal. #846 - Lt. Gen. David D. Thompson to be General
Exec. Cal. #847 - Lt. Gen. David D. Thompson to be Major General
Exec. Cal. #848 - Lt. Gen. David W. Allvin to be General
Exec. Cal. #849 - Lt. Gen. Andrew P. Poppas to be Lieutenant General
Exec. Cal. #850 - Maj. Gen. James J. Mingus to be Lieutenant General
Exec. Cal. #851 - Lisa M. Franchetti to be Vice Admiral
Exec. Cal. #852 - Col. William F. McClintock to be Brigadier General
Exec. Cal. #853 - Maj. Gen. Michael S. Groen to be Lieutenant General
Exec. Cal. #869 - Maj. Gen. James C. Dawkins, Jr. to be Lieutenant General
Exec. Cal. #870 - The following to be Major General:
Brig. Gen. Sean C. Bernabe
Brig. Gen. Patrick D. Frank
And all nominations on the Secretary's Desk in
the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Space Force.