Roll Call Votes
1. McConnell motion to proceed to Legislative Session; agreed to: 53-43.
2. McConnell motion to proceed to Open Session; agreed to: 53-44.
3. McConnell motion to proceed to Executive Session to consider the nomination of Executive Calendar #890, Amy Coney Barrett, of Indiana, to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; agreed to: 51-46.
4. Motion to table the Schumer motion to postpone the Barrett nomination indefinitely; tabled: 53-44.
5. Motion to table the Schumer motion to recommit the Barrett nomination to the Committee on the Judiciary; tabled: 53-44.
6. Motion to table the Schumer appeal of the ruling of the Chair (re: adjourn until Nov. 9th); tabled: 53-43.
7. McConnell motion to recess; agreed to: 53-43.
No Legislative Business
No Executive Business