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Cramer objects to Blumenthal UC requests

Senator Blumenthal asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.1112, Enhanced Background Checks Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.7, Paycheck Fairness Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.1423, Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider the Lori Jackson Domestic Violence Survivor Protection Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.840, Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.2722, Securing America’s Federal Elections Act.


Senator Cramer objected.


Senator Blumenthal then asked unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to Legislative Session in order to consider H.R.4894, Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act of 2020.


Senator Cramer objected.