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Wrap Up for Monday, November 16, 2020

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #892, Kristi Haskins Johnson, of Mississippi, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi; invoked: 51-38.


Legislative Business

Passed the following bills:

Calendar #505, H.R.6395 (NDAA) w/Inhofe substitute amdt

S.2174, Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains, w/Cornyn amdt

S.1342, Great Lakes Environmental Sensitivity Index Act

Calendar #561, S.2981, NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps Amendments Act

Calendar #484, S.4054, Grain Standards Reauthorization, w/Roberts amdt

Calendar #556, S.4462, FLOODS Act

S.3312, Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry Act, w/Cornyn amdt

S.4612, Methamphetamine threat

S.732, AMBER Alert/PROTECT Act

H.R.1830, National Purple Heart Hall of Honor Commemorative Coin Act w/Schumer amdt

H.R.4104, Negro Leagues Baseball Centennial Commemorative Coin Act

Calendar #509, H.R. 835, Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act of 2019

H.R.3589, Greg LeMond Gold Medal



No additional Executive Business