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Wrap Up for Friday, December 18, 2020

No Roll Call Votes


Legislative Business

By voice vote, passed H.J.Res.107, 2 day Continuing Resolution

Passed Calendar #525, S.2800, NASA Authorization, w/Cruz sub amdt

By voice vote, passed H.R.8906, Lifespan Respite Care

Passed H.R.1966, Henrietta Lacks

Concurred in the House amendment to S.Con.Res.52, Enrollment Correction to S.3312

Concurred in the House amendments to S. 2174, Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains

By voice vote, passed S.4222, GAO Database Modernization Act

Passed S.2353, Protecting Firefighters from Adverse Substances Act

Passed H.R.5023, Carl Nunziato VA Clinic

By voice vote passed H.R.6237, PRC for Native Veterans Act

Passed S.4079 Seminole Tribe of FL

By voice vote, adopted S.Res.729, Dayton Peace Accords

Adopted S.Res.808, National Urban League


By unanimous consent, Senators have until Monday, December 21st to submit tributes to retiring Members for the Senate Congressional Record compilation document.


Executive Business

By voice vote, confirmed Executive Calendar #836, Charles A. Stones, of Kansas, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation