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Schedule for Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:30am on Tuesday, February 23, 2021.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #10, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations, post-cloture.


At 11:30am, all post-cloture time will be considered expired, and the Senate will vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #10, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #11, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during her tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations.


Following the cloture vote, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.


At 2:15pm, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of Executive Calendar #7, Thomas J. Vilsack, of Iowa, to be Secretary of Agriculture. There will be 20 minutes for debate, equally divided between the two Leaders or their designees. Following the use or yielding back of that time, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Vilsack nomination. Following disposition of the Vilsack nomination, if cloture is invoked on Executive Calendar #11, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination.


During Monday’s session of the Senate, Senator Schumer filed cloture on  Executive Calendar #9, Jennifer Mulhern Granholm, to be Secretary of the Energy. Under the rule and if no agreement is reached, that cloture vote would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes on Wednesday.



Tuesday, February 23rd at 11:30am – 2 roll call votes:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #10, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and the Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations.

2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #11, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during her tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations.


Tuesday, February 23rd at 2:35pm – 2 roll call votes:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #7, Thomas J. Vilsack, of Iowa, to be Secretary of Agriculture.

2. If cloture is invoked, confirmation of Executive Calendar #11, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, of Louisiana, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations during her tenure of service as Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations.