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Wrap Up for Friday, March 5, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Sanders amendment #972 [60-affirmative vote threshold for adoption]; not agreed to: 42-58.

2.      McConnell motion to adjourn until 10:00am on Saturday, March 6, 2021; not agreed to: 49-50.

3.      Portman amendment #1092 (UI); agreed to: 50-49.

4.      Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Collins amendment #1242 (substitute);  not agreed to: 48-51.

5.      Scott amendment #1030 (nursing homes); not agreed to: 49-50.

6.      Wyden amendment #1378 (UI); agreed to: 50-49.

7.      Rubio amendment #1026 (schools); not agreed to: 48-51.

8.      Hassan amendment #1344 (schools); agreed to: 51-48.

9.      Graham amendment #1369, as modified (state-local); not agreed to: 48-51.

10.  Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Tester amendment #1197 (keystone pipeline); not agreed to: 51-48.

11.  Cassidy amendment #1161 (private schools); not agreed to: 49-50.

12.  Grassley motion to commit the bill to Finance; not agreed to: 49-50.

13.  Toomey amendment #1010 (farmers and ranchers); not agreed to: 49-50.

14.  Fischer amendment #944 (mass transit); not agreed to: 49-50.

15.  Paul amendment #1014 (PPP); not agreed to: 47-51.

16.  Young amendment #1383 (strike Emergency Federal Employee Leave Fund); not agreed to: 48-50.

17.  Capito motion to commit the bill to Finance; not agreed to: 48-50.

18.  Scott (FL) amendment #1395 (Amtrak); not agreed to: 47-51.

19.  Cotton motion to commit the bill to Finance; not agreed to: 48-50.

20.  Blackburn amendment #996 (hospitals); not agreed to: 49-50.

21.  Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Lankford amendment #1031; not agreed to: 52-47.

22.  Cruz amendment #969 (school funding); not agreed to: 49-50.

23.  Romney amendment #1364 (targeted state and local); not agreed to: 49-50.

24.  Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to Tuberville amendment #1386 (transgender athletes); not agreed to: 49-50.

25.  Hagerty motions to recommit, en bloc; not agreed to: 49-50.

26.  Kennedy motion to commit the bill to Small Business Committee; not agreed to: 48-50.

27.  Scott (FL) motion to commit the bill to HSGAC; not agreed to: 48-51.

28.  Lee amendment #1381 (child tax credit); not agreed to: 49-50.

29.  Cornyn motion to commit the bill to HELP; not agreed to: 49-50.

30.  Cassidy amendment #1162 (checks for prisoners); not agreed to: 49-50.

31.  Cruz amendment #968 (checks); not agreed to: 49-50.

32.  Lee amendment #1331 (premium assistance); not agreed to: 49-50.

33.  Grassley amendment #902 (crops); not agreed to: 45-54.

34.  Moran amendment #1154 (VA community program); not agreed to: 49-50.

35.  Daines motion to commit the bill to SFRC; not agreed to: 49-50.

36.  Warner amendment #1391 (Federal contractors); agreed to: 93-6.

37.  Passage of H.R.1319, American Rescue Plan Act; passed: 50-49.


No additional Legislative Business


No Executive Business