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Wrap Up for Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1.     Confirmation of Executive Calendar #12, Marcia Louise Fudge, of Ohio, to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; confirmed: 66-34.

2.     Confirmation of Executive Calendar #27, Merrick Brian Garland, of Maryland, to be Attorney General; confirmed: 70-30.

3.     Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #15, Michael Regan, to be Administrator of EPA; invoked: 65-35.

4.     Confirmation of Executive Calendar #15, Michael Regan, to be Administrator of EPA; confirmed: 66-34.


Legislative Business

Passed by voice vote S.320: John Lewis NIMHD Research Endowment Revitalization Act.


Passed S.415: Ensuring Innovation Act.


Adopted S.Res.102: recognizing the 100th anniversary of The Hoosier Gym, and the 35th anniversary of the release of the film “Hoosiers”.


No additional Executive Business