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Wrap Up for Thursday, March 11, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to discharge the nomination of Xavier Becerra, of California, from the Committee on Finance, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services; agreed to: 51-48.

2.   Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #31, Debra Anne Haaland, of New Mexico, to be Secretary of the Interior; invoked: 54-42.


Legislative Business

Adopted the following resolutions:

S.Res.96, designating March 8 through March 14, 2021, as “Women of the Aviation Workforce Week”, w/Rosen amdt

S.Res.106, recognizing Girl Scouts of the United States of America on its 109th birthday and celebrating its legacy of fostering civic action and community service among girls and creating leaders in Gold Award Girl Scouts, including the 2020 National Gold Award Girl Scouts

S.Res.108, to make technical corrections to the amendments made be Senate Resolution 30 (117th Congress) to Senate Resolution 458 (98th Congress), and for other purposes.


No additional Executive Business