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Wrap Up for Thursday, April 15, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to proceed to Executive Session in order to discharge the nomination of Vanita Gupta from the Committee on the Judiciary; agreed to: 49-45.

2.      Motion to discharge the nomination of Vanita Gupta from the Committee on the Judiciary; agreed to: 49-34.


Legislative Business

By voice vote, adopted S.Res.157, Bobby Knight.


By unanimous consent, adopted the following resolutions:

Calendar #16, S. Res. 22, Ecuador

Calendar #23, S.Res.36, Mongolia

Calendar #24, S. Res. 37, Cuba

S.Res.159, National Parks Week

S.Res.160, Stanford Women’s basketball

S.Res.161, Baylor Men’s basketball

S.Res.162, National Assistive Technology Awareness Day

S.Res.163, Former Senator Brock


No additional Executive Business