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Schedule for Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Thursday, April 22, 2021, under the provisions of S.Res.470 as a further mark of respect to the late Walter Mondale, former Senator of Minnesota and Vice President of the United States America.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of S.937, hate crimes legislation.


On Wednesday evening, the cloture motions with respect to Hirono amendment #1445 and S.937 were withdrawn.


At 11:30am, the Senate will vote in relation Cruz-Kennedy amendment #1456, Lee amendment #1425, and Blackburn amendment #1458. Those amendments are the only amendments in order. Following disposition of those amendments, by unanimous consent, Hirono amendment #1445, as amended if amended, will be agreed to. Then, the Senate will vote on passage of S.937, as amended. There will be four minutes of debate equally divided prior to each vote. Each vote on the amendments and on the bill is subject to a 60-affirmative vote threshold.


Thursday, April 22nd at 11:30am – 4 roll call votes expected (60-vote thresholds):

1. Cruz-Kennedy amendment #1456 (re: Prohibiting discrimination in higher education)

2. Lee amendment #1425 (re: Report on religious liberty during the pandemic)

3. Blackburn amendment  #1458

4. Passage of S.937, Hate crimes legislation, as amended.