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Wrap Up for Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1. Cruz-Kennedy amendment #1456; not agreed to: 49-48. Subject to 60-vote threshold.

2. Lee amendment #1425; not agreed to: 49-48. Subject to 60-vote threshold.

3. Blackburn amendment  #1458; not agreed to: 46-51.

4. Passage of S.937, Hate crimes legislation, as amended; passed: 94-1.


Legislative Business

Passed S.957, DUMP Opioids Act, with Kennedy substitute amendment

By voice vote, adopted S.Res.177, Financial Literacy Month

By unanimous consent, adopted the following resolutions:

S.Res.178, Beverly Cleary

S.Res.179, Select Committee on Ethics


Executive Business

By unanimous consent, confirmed Executive Calendar #59, Deanne Bennett Criswell, of New York, to be Administrator of the Federal Emergency