The Senate
stands adjourned under the provisions of S.Res.343 until 12:00 noon on Sunday,
August 8, 2021, and does so as a further mark of respect to the late Maurice
Robert Gravel, former Senator from the State of Alaska.
Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Sinema-Portman substitute amendment #2137 to H.R.3684, the legislative vehicle for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, post-cloture.
By unanimous consent, all time during recess, adjournment, or period of morning business, count post-cloture on the substitute amendment.
Discussions continue on a path forward for consideration of additional amendments to H.R.3684. Roll call votes are expected during Sunday’s session.
Amendments pending to H.R.3684
Schumer for Sinema-Portman #2137 (substitute)
Carper-Capito #2131 (strikes a definition)
Carper #2633 (date change)