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Schedule for Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, September 28, 2021.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #333, Karen Erika Donfried, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (European Affairs and Eurasian Affairs), with the time until 11:30am equally divided prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination.


Following disposition of the Donfried nomination, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #324, Monica P. Medina, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs), and immediately recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.


Roll call votes are expected throughout Tuesday’s session. Under the agreement reached last week, there will be up to one hour of debate equally divided on each nomination prior to a vote on confirmation of each nomination:

1.      Executive Calendar #333, Karen Erika Donfried, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (European Affairs and Eurasian Affairs),

2.      Executive Calendar #324, Monica P. Medina, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs)

3.      Executive Calendar #331, Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs).

4.      Executive Calendar #240, Todd D. Robinson, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs).

5.      Executive Calendar #334, Jessica Lewis, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Political-Military Affairs).


During Monday’s session, Senator Schumer filed cloture on the following nominations:

1. Executive Calendar #264, Robert T. Anderson, of Washington, to be Solicitor of the Department of the Interior.

2. Executive Calendar #159, Jonathan Eugene Meyer, of Ohio, to be General Counsel, Department of Homeland Security.


Those cloture motions will ripen during Wednesday’s session.


Tuesday, September 28th at approx. 11:30am – roll call vote:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #333, Karen Erika Donfried, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (European Affairs and Eurasian Affairs)


Tuesday, September 28th expected at approx. 3:15pm -  roll call vote:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #324, Monica P. Medina, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs)


Tuesday, September 28th at time TBD – up to one hour of debate, then roll call vote:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #331, Mary Catherine Phee, of Illinois, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (African Affairs).


Tuesday, September 28th at time TBD – up to one hour of debate, then roll call vote:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #240, Todd D. Robinson, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs).


Tuesday, September 28th at time TBD – up to one hour of debate, then roll call vote:

1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #334, Jessica Lewis, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Political-Military Affairs).