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Wrap Up for Thursday, November 4, 2021

Roll Call Votes

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #352, Michael Connor, of Colorado, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army; confirmed: 92-5.

2.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #312, Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December 31, 2026; invoked: 61-36.

3.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #312, Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December 31, 2026; confirmed: 58-35.


Legislative Business

Passed S.1511 – Concurred in the House amendment to S.1511, Protecting America’s First Responders Act.


Adopted by voice vote S.Res.440 – National Native American Heritage Month.


Adopted the following resolutions, en bloc:

·       S.Res.441 – National Bison Day

·       S.Res.442 – Gold Star Families Fellowship

·       S.Res.443 – McCain-Mansfield Fellowship Program

·       S.Res.444 – Public Radio Music Day

·       S.Res.445 – Congratulating the Atlanta Braves


Executive Business

Confirmed the following nominations:

·       Executive Calendar #505, Geraldine Richmond, of Oregon, to be Under Secretary for Science, Department of Energy

·       Executive Calendar #506, M. Camille Calimlim Touton, of Nevada, to be Commissioner of Reclaim.


The Senate also reached an agreement that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, the Senate proceed to Executive Session to consider Calendar #491, Jonathan Kanter, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney General, and that there be 10 minutes for debate prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination.