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Wrap Up for Thursday, April 28, 2022

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to invoke cloture on the compound motion to go to conference on H.R.4521, USICA/COMPETES; invoked: 68-29.

2.      Compound motion to go to conference on H.R.4521, USICA/COMPETES; agreed to: 67-27.


Legislative Business

Passed S.4119, Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.


Adopted S.Res.603 – recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.


The Senate has reached an agreement with respect to Calendar #282, H.R.4521, America USICA/COMPETES. That if a compound motion to go to conference is agreed to and the Chair is authorized to appoint conferees, the following Senators be permitted to make a motion to instruct, the text of which is at the desk; that these be the only motions to instruct in order; further, that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, following consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate vote in relation to the motions in the order listed, that the only debate with respect to these motions be 2 minutes equally divided prior to each vote, and with 60-affirmative votes required for adoption of the Lankford motion:


1.      Paul

2.      Barrasso

3.      Cruz

4.      Menendez

5.      Risch

6.      Kelly

7.      Lee

8.      Blackburn

9.      Cotton

10.  Murkowski

11.  Sullivan

12.  Rubio

13.  Johnson

14.  Sanders (re: warrants)

15.  Scott (FL)

16.  Hassan

17.  Ernst

18.  Lankford

19.  Sanders (re: NASA)

20.  Cassidy (re: Mexico)

21.  Bennet

22.  Warnock

23.  Daines

24.  Cassidy (re: college transparency)

25.  Capito

26.  Toomey

27.  Scott (SC)

28.  Lujan


Executive Business

Confirmed the following nominations:


Executive Calendar #242 Col. Steven M. Rowe to be Brigadier General



Executive Calendar #868 - Brig. Gen. Douglas A. Schiess to be Major General

Executive Calendar #869 – Brig. Gen. Douglas A. Schiess to be Brigadier General



Executive Calendar #870 to be Brigadier General:

Col. Christopher M. Blomquist

Col. Gary R. Charlton, II

Col. Keith A. Chikasawa

Col. James D. Cleet

Col. Mary S. Decker

Col. Drew E. Dougherty

Col. Jeffrey B. Edwards

Col. Larry E. Gardner

Col. Ian J.M. Gillis

Col. Troy D. Havener

Col. Matthew E. Henry

Col. Richard D. Hunt

Col. Phillip L. Mallory

Col. Berry L. McCormick

Col. Mark R. Morrell

Col. Michael J. Oliver

Col. Kenneth J. Radford, Jr.

Col. Lynn K. Robinson, Jr.

Col. Michael S. Rose

Col. David W. Shevchik

Col. Todd A. Wiles

Executive Calendar #871 - to be Brigadier General

Col. Kirsten G. Aguilar

Col. Jason E. Bartolomei

Col. Paul R. Birch

Col. Heather W. Blackwell

Col. Peter M. Bonetti

Col. Maurizio D. Calabrese

Col. Daniel C. Clayton

Col. Richard R. Dickens

Col. David A. Doss

Col. Jon A. Eberlan

Col. William C. Freeman

Col. Lance R. French

Col. Jesse J. Friedel

Col. Jeffrey T. Geraghty

Col. Richard A. Goodman

Col. Douglas D. Jackson

Col. Jason M. Janaros

Col. Ryan P. Keeney

Col. David R. Lopez

Col. Gavin P. Marks

Col. Roger R. Messer

Col. Patrick G. Miller

Col. Nathan L. Owendoff

Col. William S. Rogers

Col. Jocelyn J. Schermerhorn

Col. Jeffrey T. Schreiner

Col. Travolis A. Simmons

Col. Melissa A. Stone

Col. Geoffrey F. Weiss

Col. Michael J. Zuhlsdorf

Executive Calendar #872 - Brig. Gen. Rebecca R. Vernon to be Major General



Executive Calendar #873 - Lt. Gen. Randy A. George to be General

Executive Calendar #874 - Lt. Gen. Andrew P. Poppas to be General

Executive Calendar #875 - Maj. Gen. Sean C. Bernabe to be Lieutenant General



Executive Calendar #876 - Lt. Gen. Duke Z. Richardson to be General

Executive Calendar #877 - Lt. Gen. Mary F. O'Brien to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #878 - Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #879 - Maj. Gen. Randall Reed to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #880 - Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #881 - Lt. Gen. Tom D. Miller to be Lieutenant General

Executive Calendar #882 - Col. Amy D. Holbeck to be Brigadier General

Executive Calendar #883 - Col. David N. Unruh to be Brigadier General



Executive Calendar #884 - Maj. Gen. Dimitri Henry to be Lieutenant General

And all nominations on the Secretary’s desk in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force.



Executive Calendar #507 - Brad John Crabtree, of North Dakota, to be an Assistant Secretary of Energy (Fossil Energy and Carbon Management)



Executive Calendar #778 - Frank Calvelli, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force



Executive Calendar #803 - Paul Monteiro, of Maryland, to be Director, Community Relations Service, for a term of four years



Executive Calendar #842 - Kristyn E. Jones, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force


The votes on confirmation of the following nominations will occur at times to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Republican Leader:

1.      Executive Calendar #718 Susan Tsui Grundmann, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority

2.      Executive Calendar #717 Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Merit Systems Protection Board

3.      Executive Calendar #716 Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board