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Wrap Up for Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Roll Call Votes

1.      Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to Calendar #389, H.R.6833, the legislative vehicle for the CR; invoked: 72-23.


Legislative Business

Passed the following bills:

S.3655 - Civil Rights Cold Case Investigations Support Act

S.4673 – National Computer Forensics Institute Reauthorization

H.R.468 - Expedited Delivery of Airport Infrastructure Act of 2021

Adopted the following resolutions:

S.Res.798, Rail Safety Week

S.Res.799, Energy Efficiency Day


Executive Business

The vote on confirmation of the following nomination will occur at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader in consultation with the Republican Leader:

1.      Executive Calendar #716, Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.