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Wrap Up for Thursday, December 22, 2022

 Wrap Up for Thursday, December 22, 2022

Roll Call Votes

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #781, Franklin R. Parker, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Navy; CONFIRMED 70-21.     

2.      Passage of S.5355 (Disaster relief supplemental appropriations) (60 vote threshold)  NOT PASSED, 22-73.

3.      Motion to waive Budget re: Omnibus (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO 65-31

4.      Paul amendment #6561 (changing voting threshold for budget points of order) (60 vote threshold) NOT AGREED TO 34-63

5.      Johnson amendment #6555 (Strike earmarks) NOT AGREED TO 34-62

6.      Johnson amendment #6559 (Removal of funds to transport migrants) (60 vote threshold) NOT AGREED TO 47-50

7.      Sinema-Tester amendment #6621 (Title 42) NOT AGREED TO 10-87

8.      Lee amendment #6563 (Title 42) NOT AGREED TO 47-50

9.      Lankford amendment #6577 (2nd degree to Cassidy #6558) NOT AGREED TO 44-53

10.  Braun amendment #6569 second degree to Cassidy (60 vote threshold) NOT AGREED TO 40-57

11.  Cassidy amendment #6558 (Pregnant Fairness Workers Act) (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO 73-24

12.  Merkley amendment #6595 (PUMP Act) (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO 92-5

13.  Klobuchar- Lee amendment #6597 (Merger Fee Filing Modernization) (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO 88-8

14.  Gillibrand amendment #6607 as modified (WTC Health Program Supplemental Fund) (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO  90-6 

15.  Menendez-Cotton amendment #6617 (Fairness for 9/11 Families) (60 vote threshold) AGREED TO 93-4

16.  Motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment #4 to H.R. 2617 with amendment #6552, as amended, if amended (60 vote threshold) PASSED 68-29

Legislative Business

Agreed to the following amendments to H.R.2617 by voice vote:

1.      Lee amendment #6576 (Lt. Alkonis) voice vote AGREED TO

2.      Padilla-Cornyn amendment #6588 (SLTT Flexibility) voice vote AGREED TO  

3.      Graham amendment #6596 as modified (Ukraine) voice vote AGREED TO


Passed the following bills:

Calendar #310, H.R.4373 – further additional continuing appropriations and extensions act.

S.5357, Justice for the Living Victims of Lockerbie Act

H.R.1082, Sami’s Law w/Wicker amdt

Calendar #663, S.4321, Save Our Seas 2.0 Amendments Act

S.4105, Supply Chain Disruptions Relief Act

S.3046, Root and Stem Project Authorization Act

S.2708, Land Grant-Mercedes Traditional Use Recognition and Consultation Act

Calendar #271, S.2524, amends the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

S.3428, Fission for the Future Act w/Manchin amdt

S.3873, Rock Boucher Amphitheater


Adopted S.Res.785, Nuclear Workers Remembrance.


Agreed to S.Con.Res.51 – Omnibus enrollment correction.

Agreed to S.Con.Res.30 – CR title correction.



Executive Business

Confirmed the following nominations:


Exec. Cal. #763 - Rebecca E. Jones Gaston, of Oregon, to be Commissioner on Children, Youth, and Families, Department of Health and Human Services



Exec. Cal. #1136 - Douglas J. McKalip, of the District of Columbia, to be Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Office of the United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador



Exec. Cal. #1153 - Milancy Danielle Harris, of Virginia, to be a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense



Exec. Cal. #1169 - Jose Emilio Esteban, of California, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety



PN 2225 Terrence Edwards, of Maryland, to be Inspector General of the National Reconnaissance Office, vice Susan S. Gibson.