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Wrap Up for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Roll Call Votes

1.     Warnock amendment #199 (debt collector harassment); agreed to: 95-2.

2.     Cruz amendment #421 (60 vote threshold); not agreed to: 46-53.

3.     Wicker amendment #1055 (60 vote threshold); not agreed to: 51-48.

4.     Paul amendment #438 (60 vote threshold); not agreed to: 20-78.


Legislative Business

Passed the following bills by voice vote:

Calendar #86, S.546 - Recruit and Retain Act
Calendar #87, S.994 – Strong Communities Act
Calendar #88, S.1387 - Protect Safe Neighborhoods Reauthorization
S. 2051 Missing Children’s Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2023


Adopted the following resolutions:

S.Res.166, Coast Guard/Border Security w/Cruz amdt to preamble
S.Res.288, 150th Anniversary of Vanderbilt
S.Res.313, National Child Awareness Month

S.Res.314, Legal Counsel
S.Res.315, Legal Counsel

S.Res.316, Sen Lowell Weicker
S.Res.317, Texas Tech 100th Anniversary