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Schedule for Friday, February 9, 2024

The Senate stands adjourned until 12:00pm on Friday, February 9, 2024.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume the motion to proceed to Cal. #30, H.R. 815, legislative vehicle for National Security Act, 2024, post-cloture.


All time during adjournment, Leader remarks, recess, and morning business will count post-cloture on the motion to proceed.


If all post-cloture debate time is used and no agreement is reached, at approximately 7:00pm, the Senate will vote on adoption of the motion to proceed to the bill.


Additional roll call votes are possible during Friday’s session.


Friday, February 9th at approx. 7:00pm if all post-cloture debate time is used  – roll call vote:

1.      Adoption of the motion to proceed to Cal. #30, H.R. 815, legislative vehicle for National Security Act, 2024.