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Schedule for Saturday, February 10, 2024

The Senate stands adjourned until 12:00pm on Saturday, February 10, 2024.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Cal. #30, H.R. 815, legislative vehicle for National Security Act, 2024.


During Friday’s session Senator Schumer filled the tree and filed cloture on Murray substitute amendment #1388 and the underlying bill. Under the rule these cloture motions would ripen one hour after the Senate convenes on Sunday, February 11.


As a result of cloture having been filed, the filing deadline for first degree amendments to Murray SA #1388 and the underlying bill Cal. #30, H.R. 815, is 1:00pm tomorrow, Saturday, February 10.  Amendments must be germane and timely filed to be in order post-cloture. The filing deadline for second degree amendments is one hour prior to the cloture vote, if cloture is invoked.


Conversations continue on a path forward for completion of the bill.  Roll call votes are possible during Saturday’s session.