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Schedule for Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Senate stands adjourned until 10:30am on Tuesday, March 12, 2024.


Following Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Executive Calendar #543 Jasmine Hyejung Yoon, of Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Virginia, post-cloture.


At approximately 11:30am, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Yoon nomination. Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #541 Sunil R. Harjani, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois.


Following the cloture vote, the Senate will recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.


At approximately 2:15pm, if cloture is invoked on the Harjani nomination, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination. Following disposition of the nomination, the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #540 Melissa R. DuBose, of Rhode Island, to be United States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island.


If cloture is invoked on the DuBose nomination, at approximately 5:30pm, the Senate will vote on confirmation of the nomination, followed by confirmation of Executive Calendar #481 Sean Patrick Maloney, of New York, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with the rank of Ambassador.


Tuesday, March 12th at approx. 11:30am – 2 roll call votes:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #543 Jasmine Hyejung Yoon, of Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Virginia

2.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #541 Sunil R. Harjani, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois


Tuesday, March 12th at approx. 2:15pm – 2 roll call votes expected:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #541 Sunil R. Harjani, of Illinois, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois

2.      Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #540 Melissa R. DuBose, of Rhode Island, to be United States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island


Tuesday, March 12th at approx. 5:30pm 2 roll call votes expected:

1.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #540 Melissa R. DuBose, of Rhode Island, to be United States District Judge for the District of Rhode Island

2.      Confirmation of Executive Calendar #481 Sean Patrick Maloney, of New York, to be Representative of the United States of America to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, with the rank of Ambassador