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Wrap Up for Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Roll Call Vote

  1. Marshall motion to table Schumer Amendment to Cal. #211, H.R.3935; not agreed to: 12-85.


Legislative Business

Passed S.Con.Res.36 – use of Emancipation Hall for an event to celebrate King Kamehameha


Adopted the following resolutions:

S.Res.677 – Teacher Appreciation Week

S.Res.678 – Foreign Service Day

S.Res.679 – Child Abuse Prevention Month


Passed Calendar #178, S.2195 – Diesel Emissions Reduction Act


Passed Calendar #343, S.3791 – America’s Conservation Enhancement Reauthorization Act


Passed S.2861 – Congressional Gold Medal to Billie Jean King


Executive Business

At a time to be determined by the Majority leader, in consultation with the Republican Leader, the Senate proceed to Executive Session to consider the following nominations, that there be 2 minutes of debate equally divided, and upon the use or yielding back of time the Senate vote without intervening action or debate on the nominations:

  • Executive Calendar #572 - Eric C. Schulte, of South Dakota, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Dakota
  • Executive Calendar #573 - Camela C. Theeler, of South Dakota, to be United States District Judge for the District of South Dakota