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Schedule for Pro Formas and Monday, March 24, 2025

The Senate stands adjourned for Pro Forma session only with no business conducted on the following dates and times:


            Tuesday, March 18th at 12:15pm

            Thursday, March 20th at 12:00pm


When the Senate adjourns on Thursday, it will next convene at 3:00pm on Monday March 24, 2025.  Following Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #36, John Phelan, to be Secretary of the Navy.


At approximately 5:30pm the Senate will vote on confirmation of the Phelan nomination followed by confirmation of  Executive Calendar #41, Christopher Landau, to be Deputy Secretary of State.


During Friday’s Session Senator Thune filed cloture on the following nominations.  The clotures will ripen on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

  1. Executive Calendar #38, Michael Kratsios, of South Carolina, to be Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy
  2. Executive Calendar #44,  Jayanta Bhattacharya, of California, to be Director of the National Institutes of Health
  3. Executive Calendar #45, Martin Makary, of Virginia, to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health and Human Services
  4. Executive Calendar #39, James Bishop, of North Carolina, to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget
  5. Executive Calendar #48, Aaron Reitz, of Texas, to be an Assistant Attorney General


Monday, March 24th at approx. 5:30pm – 2 roll call votes:

  1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #36, John Phelan, to be Secretary of the Navy
  2. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #41, Christopher Landau, to be Deputy Secretary of State