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Climate Committee supporters


“We applaud the work of the Senate Democrats' Special Committee on the Climate Crisis to explore solutions to the climate crisis that will not only address climate change, but will grow union jobs and build a stronger more equitable economy that works for all Americans. We are happy to see many solutions included in this report that put working people front and center, including commitments to workers’ rights and labor standards—including in clean energy sectors—to ensure climate investments deliver good jobs and healthier communities; measures to rebuild and invest in our nation’s infrastructure and clean, American manufacturing; and fairness for workers and communities impacted by this transition.”

- Jason Walsh, Executive Director, BlueGreen Alliance

“Climate change is not a future or hypothetical problem for agriculture – more frequent and severe weather events are already making it more difficult for family farmers and ranchers to grow food. The good news is that on-farm conservation practices, renewable energy production, the expanded use of biofuels, and market-based initiatives can help to curb carbon emissions, temper climate change, and provide the tools farmers need to adapt to its effects. National Farmers Union is glad to see that the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis recognizes the unique challenges farmers are facing and the critical role they must play in building resilience. As lawmakers continue to develop climate policies, we urge them to incorporate these practical and effective strategies and ensure farmers have a strong voice in the process.”

- Rob Larew, President, National Farmers Union

"Pollution, COVID-19, climate change, and systemic racism are interconnected, and Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) understands caring for Creation and caring for our neighbor to be one and the same. The report “The Case for Climate Action: Building a Clean Economy for the American People”, produced by the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, acknowledges these interconnections with an appropriately holistic approach to solutions. It shows that the pandemic recovery process needs to align emissions reductions with the creation of good-paying jobs for American workers, while centering equity and environmental justice. These are moral solutions to moral issues."

- Rev. Susan Hendershot, President, Interfaith Power & Light

"Latino communities throughout the US are facing a vortex of overlapping crises, from the pandemic that is disproportionately killing us to climate disasters that we disproportionately suffer from. Climate action provides a path forward that lowers the risk of natural disasters and disease, while keeping families safe, employed, and healthier today. Now more than ever, we need to turn this climate action plan into legislation, and then into law. Our communities are in need of a way forward, for today, for our heritage, and for future generations."

- Shanna Edberg, Conservation Director, Hispanic Access Foundation

"In this critical moment, nurses are calling on government leaders to heed the science and move climate solutions forward to protect health now and for future generations. The COVID pandemic shows us that when we ignore science and don't take the necessary preventive action we see needless suffering and death. Now more than ever we must invest in communities and ensure access to resources that reduce emissions and promote resilience in the face of the climate crisis. The time is now for elected officials to listen to the growing demands for climate action and support this roadmap for action."

- Cara Cook, Climate & Health Program Manager, Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments 

“We are at the crossroads of what Vice President Joe Biden calls a ‘perfect storm’ of crises threatening our nation – the challenges of a global pandemic, an economic catastrophe, the national reckoning of environmental and racial justice, and the unyielding threat of climate change. Now is the time for solutions that will create the clean energy economy and jobs we need and the path toward a just and fair recovery that protects our health, cuts pollution and grows the economy. The Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis report is a blueprint for actions we can take to address the climate crisis.”

- Carol M. Browner, League of Conservation Voters Board Chair and Former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Former Director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy

“We are grateful to have had the chance to offer input to the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis as it developed its recommendations.  Dairy farmers work hard every day to be proactive stewards of the environment, and we thank the Committee for making recommendations in its report to support enhanced funding for farm bill conservation programs, wider adoption of methane digesters and nutrient recovery technologies, and greater participation in voluntary environmental markets.  We were pleased to have had a seat at the table during this process and we are eager to continue partnering with Congress to tackle this critical issue.”

- Jim Mulhern, President & CEO, National Milk Producers Federation

"As the COVID-19 pandemic crisis continues, we are seeing the perilous side effects of ignoring science and climate change warnings from experts. It is time for our elected leaders to focus on growing and sustaining a clean energy economy that will offer lasting jobs for struggling workers and families, invests in the communities hit hardest by environmental racism and our current inaction on climate, and stimulates an economy damaged by this preventable pandemic. The framework laid out in the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis report addresses these issues and is an important step toward urgently needed Congressional action."

- Mark Magaña, Founding President and CEO, GreenLatinos

“Congress can to swiftly reduce carbon emissions, create good jobs, and address environmental injustices by investing in clean energy and natural solutions, according to a new report from the U.S. Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis. The National Wildlife Federation heralded this investment and standards approach and urged lawmakers to enact its recommendations, as well as those of the recent report from the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

"As we face interconnected public health, economic, climate, and systemic racism crises, our nation desperately needs to make strategic investments that create good jobs, reduce pollution, strengthen communities, and create a more just society. The solutions offered by the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis offer a roadmap to put millions of Americans to work revitalizing communities, deploying clean energy, and restoring natural resources—all of which will ensure a healthier and more equitable future for people and wildlife alike.”

- Collin O’Mara, President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation.

"Farmers and ranchers work at the frontlines of climate change. As stewards of our shared natural resources, they hold a unique position to sequester carbon in our country’s soils through best management practices for soil health, crop and livestock integration, and agroforestry. The Special Committee's recommendations to expand USDA financial and technical assistance for conservation programs to increase soil health and soil carbon storage incentives to promote widespread adoption of regenerative practices are excellent first steps Congress can take to support a more resilient agriculture. Sustainable agricultural practices not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions and sequester carbon, they also provide manifold environmental and economic benefits to farmers, ranchers, and rural communities."

- Eric Deeble, Policy Director, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

“If the Trump Administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that ignoring science and scientists makes us less safe, endangers our health and leads to catastrophic economic consequences for our nation’s families and businesses. Shall we repeat the same mistake when it comes to climate change? Because that’s exactly the same pattern of behavior Trump, Mitch McConnell and his other GOP allies in Congress are exhibiting when it comes to the climate crisis.  We cannot ignore the problem and hope it “magically disappears.”  We need a plan for climate action that can light a path forward for creating jobs and economic opportunity for all, by ending injustice in our energy and environmental policy, and by improving our health, our economy and our security. The “Case for Climate Action” released today by Senate Democrats, and the Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, sets a course for how Congress and we achieve the clean energy future we need.” 

- Heather Zichal, former climate and energy advisor to President Barack Obama 

“As the COVID pandemic continues to take a heavy toll on the health of Americans and our nation’s economy, the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis has released an important report outlining the opportunity our country has to rebuild our economy better so that it is more sustainable, builds good-paying jobs and addresses inequities. This report outlines how we can spur economic growth, cut air pollution and address the climate crisis by embracing our clean energy future. The recommendations made in this report are excellent guideposts for our leaders as they seek to develop a comprehensive plan of action.”

- Elizabeth Gore, Senior VP, Political Affairs, Environmental Defense Fund.

“ESMC and our corporate partners, agricultural organizations, and members across the agricultural supply chain and value chain laud the Senate Democrats Special Committee on the Climate Crisis for recognizing the impact of climate change on agriculture, a business conducted largely outdoors. We also greatly appreciate the Committee engaging in consultations and dialog to arrive at approaches in which the voices of farmers and ranchers and the food and beverage sector can be elevated. Private, voluntary carbon and ecosystem services markets that pay farmers and ranchers to sequester carbon, reduce other GHG emissions, and improve water quality and water use – which all go hand-in-hand – will help recognize and compensate producers for benefits consumers and society need and are demanding. These actions also improve agricultural resilience to dangerous climate impacts – so it is a win-win.”  

- Debbie Reed, Executive Director, Ecosystem Services Market Consortium

"The National Hispanic Medical Association applauds the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis for the release of its report that provides a framework for Congress on the course to reach a clean energy future. That framework reduces carbon pollution to reach 100% zero emissions by 2015; invests 2% of GDP and redirects 40% to Latino low-income and other disadvantaged communities with at least 10 million new jobs. We thank the Senate Special Committee for their work and this important report that underscores the urgency for action and a path forward that addresses the climate crisis and expands clean energy."

- Elena Rios, MD, MSPH, FACP, President, National Hispanic Medical Association

“Senate Democrats are joining their House counterparts in charting a roadmap that will help America avoid the worst impacts of climate change - - and deliver a healthier, more prosperous and a more just and equitable future for all of us. Putting the well-being of people, communities and our economy ahead of powerful polluters is precisely the kind of leadership our country needs.’’

- John Bowman, Managing Director for Government Affairs, NRDC Action Fund

“We applaud Senate Democrats for putting together a detailed plan to address the climate crisis, while their Republican colleagues continued to sit on the sideline. As the West is on fire and two hurricanes are set to strike the U.S., it’s clear we’re past the point of rhetoric; Washington must take immediate action on the climate crisis. We look forward to continuing to work with Congressional Democrats to take meaningful climate action and demand Congressional Republicans prioritize their constituents' health and safety, not corporate polluters’ profit margin.”

- Liz Perera, Climate Policy Director, Sierra Club

"The National Organic Coalition is grateful to the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis for placing an important spotlight on the existential threat of climate change, and for highlighting opportunities for the food and agriculture sector to be part of the solution to the problem. Organic agriculture is climate-friendly agriculture. USDA organic standards result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased carbon sequestration through farming practices that build soil health, and increased resilience to the effects of climate change. But even organic agriculture must do better if we are to address the threat of climate change. In that regard, we appreciate that the report emphasizes the need to provide all farmers with more tools and incentives to prioritize soil health practices and climate-friendly livestock systems. 

"We appreciate the Committee’s leadership in engaging us, and the rest of the agriculture sector, in a dialogue about the future of food production in the face of changing climate, and for acknowledging the importance of organic agriculture in facing those challenges."

- Abby Youngblood, Executive Director, National Organic Coalition

“Momentum is on the side of bold climate action. With the House Climate Crisis Committee report, Vice President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better climate plan, and now the Senate Committee report, it’s clear that bold climate action is on the top of the nation’s agenda for economic recovery. Democratic leaders are coalescing behind an approach rooted in clean energy standards, major job-creating investment, and environmental justice.

"This Senate report smartly emphasizes creating millions of good-paying jobs, directly tying investments to strong new labor standards, and ensuring 40% of the investment goes directly to disadvantaged communities that have been hit first and worst by the climate crisis. These commitments are unprecedented in scope compared to any major climate plans released by the Senate so far. Sen. Schatz and the special committee deserve major praise laying the groundwork for needed climate action.

"Senator Schumer has wisely said the climate crisis will be at the top of his agenda for the Senate in 2021.This report is evidence of that commitment. Swiftly taking up major legislation that contains strong clean energy standards, robust federal investments, and centers justice, will be paramount. And as this report demonstrates, it’s time for urgent action to go big and bold on the existential crisis of our time, take on the fossil fuel industry, and get to work building our clean energy future.”

- Maggie Thomas, Political Director, Evergreen Action

"We greatly appreciate the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis’ report as it is an important first step to protect our communities. The climate crisis as a threat-multiplier for water security, infectious diseases, and environmental racism. Safeguarding our nation from these threats is an opportunity to lead the world and stimulate our economy. It is imperative that Congress acts on the framework and moves us into a clean energy economy."

- Alex Cornell du Houx, former Maine state lawmaker, Marine combat veteran, and President of Elected Officials to Protect America (EOPA)

“U.S. communities, economies and ecosystems are under threat from climate change. On behalf of our 9,500 business and farmer members we thank the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis for recognizing that organic has been a leader in deploying climate-smart growing and handling standards.  Federal policies can help advance organic agriculture as a key solution by encouraging the adoption of organic practices and maximizing the benefits of healthy soil and carbon sequestration. The Organic Trade Association and our members are grateful to the committee for engaging directly with us to inform this groundbreaking report. The report’s recommendations to expand conservation, technical assistance, carbon markets, research, on-farm renewable energy and rural broadband are in line with principles our Board of Directors recently adopted to move forward good climate policy. We stand ready to support federal lawmakers in advancing these efforts to help farmers and businesses adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.”

- Laura Batcha, CEO, Organic Trade Association

"It’s past time for bold action on climate change.  We are thankful for the Senate Special Committee on Climate Crisis report, "The Case for Climate Action.” Addressing the climate crisis is crucial to safeguard our families’ health and children’s future. Without bold action, more communities across the United States will continue to be hit with more intense extreme weather, farther-reaching wildfires, vector borne diseases and hotter longer-lasting heat waves. The consequences of these devastating events have a long-lasting impact on lives, livelihoods, and local economies.

"As the COVID 19 death toll approaches 180,000 Americans, we must remember that dirty air primarily caused by fossil fuels not only exacerbates COVID 19 but is responsible for approximately 200,000 deaths each year in the United States.  We must move forward with immediate action that purifies our air, returns our river and streams to a more pristine condition, and defends our children’s health. As evangelical Christians, we are commanded to care for “the least of these” and our prayers hope that this report will spur Senate Republicans to get off the sidelines and work for long lasting bipartisan action."

- The Rev. Mitchell C. Hescox, President/C.E.O., The Evangelical Environmental Network

“The Senate committee deserves applause for recognizing the massive problems we face with the changing climate, and we look forward to bipartisan efforts to get bold climate solutions implemented as quickly as possible. To avert the worst impacts of global warming, we must quickly transition to 100 percent clean energy and clean transportation such as electric school buses. The case for uncompromising action on climate change could not be clearer. From the wildfires out west to the extreme weather threatening the Gulf Coast, it's clear that our nation's most powerful leaders cannot wait any longer to embrace clear-eyed climate solutions.”   

- Andrea McGimsey, Senior Director, Global Warming Solutions, Environment America

“Climate change is a real and present threat to family farmers and our food supply. Organic agriculture has regenerative practices already baked-in that can be part of the answer to addressing that threat. Healthy soil practices such as resource-conserving crop rotations, cover crops, managed grazing, and the non-existence of synthetic crop inputs are expected and required on organic dairy farms. These are good for the land, good for combating climate change and good for people. We can, and must do more as businesses, cooperatives, farmers, and policymakers to find the right mix of education, incentives, and expectations to mitigate a changing climate.”

- Adam Warthesen, Director of Government & Industry Affairs, Organic Valley

"The Senate Special Committee provides an important roadmap for Congress and makes a compelling case for the need to respond to the twin threats of COVID-19 and the climate crisis. Audubon’s own research has shown the devastating effects that increasing global temperatures have on birds and the places they need to survive. Taken together, the critical steps outlined in this report, like investing in clean energy and protecting and restoring natural landscapes, will help us realize a cleaner future and a stronger economy that protects both birds and people from the threats of climate change.”

- Michael Obeiter, Senior Director, Federal Climate Strategy, National Audubon Society

“As an emergency medicine doctor, I see first-hand what happens when we don’t listen to the science and delay action to protect health – people die. Thus prevention is key, and the prescription for health is climate action. A rapid transition to clean energy will result in immediate improvement in air pollution and minimize the downstream health harms from climate change, especially for the most vulnerable.”

- Dr. Renee Salas, MD, MPH, MS, Massachusetts General Hospital, Yerby Fellow at the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Lead author, Lancet Countdown in 2018, 2019 and co-lead on U.S. Brief Working group in 2020.

“Combating the climate crisis is going to take an all-hands-on-deck approach from the entire community of agricultural, rural, scientific and food system stakeholders, including the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color who have often been systematically excluded. This report takes a step in the right direction towards encouraging dialogue and developing actions, such as improving support for sorely needed public programs that strengthen the science, encourage adoption of improved farming practices through conservation and technical assistance programs, safeguard workers, and foster a new generation of farmers.”

- Marcia DeLonge, Research Director and Senior Scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists Food and Environment Program

"Agricultural voices are critically needed to shape effective climate action. As farmers and ranchers, we at RIPE applaud the Committee's proactive engagement with agricultural stakeholders to help design a bipartisan climate solution that works for rural America. We support the Committee's call to directly compensate producers for ecosystem services that result from implementing best practices."

- Rural Investment to Protect our Environment (RIPE) 

"This timely report makes a strong case for how climate change is impacting the ag sector and will continue to do so. But the report also verifies the practical and pragmatic solutions that farmers and ranchers can provide to address climate change. We appreciate the Committee’s recognition of agriculture's longstanding and continuous efforts to improve resilience and address climate challenges. We look forward to helping policymakers use this framework to build bi-partisan support for policies and programs that enable climate smart agriculture, as well as for federal funding and other investments that promote related practices, including water storage and delivery projects."

- Ernie Shea, President, Solutions from the Land

"Across the country, Moms are demanding that our leaders stop hindering, and instead help us protect our children's health and future from climate change. We have had enough of elected officials sidelining science, turning a blind eye to racial injustice, and prioritizing corporate profits over people. The roadmap for action released today by the Senate's Special Committee on the Climate Crisis shows how addressing the climate crisis now will help protect the most vulnerable communities from the worst impacts of climate change. By taking bold action now to protect our families and communities, we can achieve justice in every breath."

- Heather McTeer Toney, National Field Director, Moms Clean Air Force

“Our coasts and ocean are under siege from the impacts of climate change. Extreme weather events, sea level rise, and ocean acidification are threatening our coastal communities and the welfare of billions of people across the planet. The Senate committee report provides a critical roadmap to tackle the root causes of climate change and make our coastlines more resilient to impacts already happening.”

- Pete Stauffer, Environmental Director, Surfrider Foundation

“The United States is battling crisis on top of crisis, and the states, cities, tribes, businesses, and universities that said We Are Still In, who lead the fight against climate change, are simply overmatched. It is well past time for the federal government to take the helm and rejoin the fight. The costs associated with not acting are enormous – from stunted economic growth and lost jobs, to dirtier air and irreversible impacts on nature. The Senate Special Committee Report provides a roadmap for the federal government to build on the grassroots progress we’ve seen over the last four years while also putting Americans back to work and addressing the racial inequities and health disparities associated with our carbon pollution.”

- Elan Strait, Director of US climate campaigns, WWF

“Today, the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis released The Case for Climate Action: Building a Clean Energy Economy for the American People, a report outlining key policy recommendations for Congress to accelerate our clean energy future.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the perils of ignoring science and expert warnings. Because of a lack of preparedness, more than 170,000 people have died and millions more have lost their jobs, with the poor and people of color hit the hardest. We still have time to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis, if we take action today to invest in climate solutions and fairly and equitably harness the opportunities of a clean energy economy for workers, families, and children.

"The Senate Special Committee’s report outlines a viable path for achieving a just clean energy transition that averts climate catastrophe, supports public health, and creates jobs and economic opportunity for all. This report, with its focus on promoting high-growth clean energy jobs, advancing economic and environmental justice, and reducing fossil fuel pollution, is a plan of attack that meets this critical moment. If adopted in full, these recommendations would achieve net zero carbon pollution by 2050, and net negative pollution thereafter—a necessary goal to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis and deliver the clean energy future we deserve.”

- Ken Berlin, President & CEO, Climate Reality

“We stand with our global network of young leaders in recognizing the immediate threat posed by climate change to our health and the health of our water planet. Now is the time to take bold, solutions-based action to address this threat head on. We thank Senate Democrats for their leadership in charting a course for action and look forward to building on this work by amplifying the efforts of youth leaders in addressing the climate crisis.”

- Philippe Cousteau, Founder, EarthEcho International

“The ocean affects all of us, no matter where we live. The framework in the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis’ report recognizes the role of coastal and ocean ecosystems in addressing the climate crisis. The Inland Ocean Coalition thanks Senator Michael Bennet and other ocean champions on the Select Committee for listening to the growing demands for ocean climate action. We can leverage the power of our ocean for a healthier future for generations to come--in inland states and beyond.”

- Vicki Nichols Goldstein, Executive Director, Inland Ocean Coalition

“We commend the Senate Democrats’ Special Committee on the Climate Crisis, for issuing a new report that recognizes both the clear moral imperative to make environmental justice the center of America’s response to climate change, and also the opportunity our nation has to embrace clean energy and rebuild our economy better than it was before.

"The Committee lays out a plan that will create 10 million jobs, and rapidly reduce U.S. carbon pollution to help reach net zero emissions by no later than 2050. The report also calls for ‘at least 2% of GDP to be spent on climate action annually’ – and for ‘at least 40% of the benefits from these investments to help communities of color and low-income, deindustrialized and other disadvantaged communities.’ These communities are often the most impacted by toxic pollution, but this report helps set the stage for Congress to address this longstanding injustice. We encourage Congress to include leaders from these communities in the decision-making process for when, where and how these resources are directed.

"Young, diverse environmental leaders are playing a central role in the movement to finally make environmental justice and clean energy national priorities. We have a long way to go, and it’s up to all of us -- including our elected leaders -- to keep pushing for the change we need. To Chairman Senator Schatz and all the Committee members, thank you for your leadership in releasing this report that details both the crisis we face, and the opportunity we have to address it.”

- The Defend Our Future Team

“The Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis report lays out a clear framework for urgent, equitable climate action and environmental justice. Well-managed fish stocks will better adapt, survive, and support the communities and economies that rely on them. Protected coastal ecosystems will store carbon while shielding people and infrastructure from storms and sea level rise. Congress must act on the recommended measures, and with a process driven by Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities as an integral part of the decision-making.”

- Dr. Erin Meyer, Director of Conservation Programs and Partnerships, Seattle Aquarium