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Forum with Americans Whose Healthcare Would be Hurt by Tom Price’s Policies

Ann Serafin, Ferndale, MI

Ann lives with multiple sclerosis and is covered by Medicare. Ann and her husband also supported Ann's mother for the last decade and, after years of financial stress, were able to get her mother into a nursing home, with the cost of her care covered by Medicaid.


Diane Fleming, Washington, DC

Diane is 75 years old and lives in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington, D.C.  She went on Medicare at age 65.  Five years ago, Diane was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and Medicare has covered the bills from the four surgeries, radioactive iodine treatment, CT scans, sonograms, MRIs, and needle biopsies she has needed to treat her cancer.


Kanisha Hans, Boston, MA

Kanisha receives coverage through her parents' insurance plan because she is able to take advantage of the ACA requirement that young adults be covered until age 26. She also receives health care from Planned Parenthood. Kanisha recently went back to Planned Parenthood to get a new IUD - years before her current one needed to be replaced – because she is fearful that coverage for women's reproductive health care will disappear when the ACA is repealed.


Alyce Ornella, Harpswell, ME

Alyce and her husband were self-employed when they were able to get health insurance coverage through the ACA exchange. Alyce's plan provided free prenatal care, including prenatal tests, while she was pregnant with her son Sam. When Sam was unexpectedly born with serious birth defects, her plan covered all his intensive care and surgery costs. Sam now receives care through Medicaid, which has covered every test and exam that he has needed.


Holly Jensen, Cleveland, OH

Holly is self-employed as a nonprofit consultant in Cleveland and runs her own LLC. Holly was able to access mental and behavioral health services through Medicaid. She now has regular meetings with a therapist and is also able to access medications through her Medicaid coverage. Holly says, "This care not only saved my life, but also gave me back my life. Thanks to Medicaid, I am becoming the professional I want to be again - and the person I want to be again."



Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)