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DPCC Report: House Republican Radical Cuts Will Hurt Americans, Make Our Country Less Safe

Senators Sound The Alarm On MAGA GOP Plan To Cut Necessary Support Programs For American Families, Workers, And Veterans

Latest GOP Budget Proposal Would Strain American Households, Slash Heath Care For Seniors, Jeopardize Public Safety, And Undermine American Competitiveness


Today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Senate Appropriations Chair Patty Murray (D-WA), and Senate Budget Committee Chair Whitehouse (D-RI) led Senate Democrats in issuing a new report detailing how MAGA Republican plans to slash federal budgets will cause significant economic pain for American families, abandons veterans, and ultimately would jeopardize public safety. The report highlights the stark contrast between MAGA Republicans with their efforts to reduce the deficit at the expense of the American people while enriching big corporations, and Senate Democrats who believe in fiscal responsibility that enriches the lives of Americans while requiring the wealthy to pay their fair share.

“Right out of the gate, MAGA Republicans in the House showed their true colors by voting to benefit rich corporations over hardworking Americans and now their latest plan is to slash necessary programs and support for families and veterans,” said Leader Schumer. “This report highlights just how different MAGA Republicans and Senate Democrats are. While the MAGA GOP schemes for ways to benefit wealthy tax cheats under the guise of reducing the deficit, Senate Democrats are seeking to hold corporations accountable and invest in the American people. Democrats are fighting for families and will continue to call out the radical MAGA agenda that hurts Americans.”

“Republicans like to say how worried they are about the deficit, but the first bill they passed in the House protects wealthy tax cheats while increasing the deficit by $114 billion. Their next goal? Pass brutal budget cuts that will hurt every family in America and make our country less safe,” said Senator Murray, DPCC Chairwoman.

 “We’ve heard a lot of talk from House Republicans about cutting spending, but very few specifics.  Well, that’s probably because the specifics are actually pretty bad,” said Senator Murray, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “This report makes clear that when House Republicans throw out ideas like ‘going back to 2022 funding levels,’ which Speaker McCarthy and MAGA Republicans in the House want to do, they aren’t actually proposing a ‘freeze.’ They are calling for drastic, draconian cuts that will hurt families in every corner of the country, undermine our economy, jeopardize our national security, and limit our future.”

“When you add up the cuts they want to make, they are so extreme they don’t want to show them to you,” said Senator Whitehouse, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee. “If Republicans do as many promise and ‘protect defense spending,’ the cuts could surge as high as 30%.  The arithmetic is devastating for them. And all of this is supposedly to deal with a national debt that they deliberately made worse with massive revenue losses because they lowered tax rates for their corporate and billionaire friends and donors.  They were happy when billion-dollar corporations paid zero federal income taxes, and even fought us when we fixed that.”

Among other changes, the MAGA House plan would:

  1. Slash health care for seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income families.
  2. Cut crucial funding to repair our nation’s crumbling roads and bridges.
  3. Eliminate 21,000 law enforcement positions nationwide.
  4. Deny 1 million babies access to formula.
  5. Sharply reduce programs American parents depend on to raise their families, from Head Start, to affordable child care, to heating assistance, to child nutrition, to help with housing costs.
  6. Rip support away from our veterans, including suicide prevention research efforts and help in accessing the benefits they have earned.
  7. Abandon people who need mental health care and treatment for opioid use disorder.
  8. Undermine our ability to compete against China and create jobs here at home.
  9. Compromise our national defense.

