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DPCC Report: The Price of Inaction is Highest for Poor Families and Low-Wealth Americans

3rd Report on the Cost of Republican Inaction Highlights the Grave Consequences for Millions of Families Of Senator McConnell’s Refusal to Act

WASHINGTON – Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (MI) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (NY) today released a report about the hardships poor families and low-wage workers will bear if Republicans fail to take action on the COVID-19 crisis. The report can be found here. 

“If Senator McConnell and Republicans refuse to take action very soon on the next COVID-19 bill, millions of Americans who were barely making ends meet before the pandemic will be forced to struggle even more to keep a roof over their heads and feed and care for their families. It’s critical to immediately pass the Heroes Act, which extends lifesaving measures due to expire very soon and provides additional help to millions of America’s most vulnerable people. It is also critical that low-wage workers who have been required to work as essential workers receive the hazard pay they deserve and that they can finally receive a living wage,”said Senator Stabenow. 

“For over a month, Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans have refused to take action on the HEROES Act, which would provide much needed assistance to workers and families devastated by the coronavirus crisis,” said Senator Schumer. “Senate Republicans need to stop twiddling their thumbs and do something to help these families who were already living paycheck to paycheck and are counting on expanded unemployment insurance, rental assistance and more to get through the worst of the pandemic. The economic decline won’t impact everyone equally, and Senate Republicans need to show they are willing to extend a hand to those who need it most, not just those with the best connections. And now is the time for Republicans to make good on their promises to frontline workers that they will be taken care of with actions, not just words. There is no time to waste.”

While Republicans have expressed they do not have a sense of urgency on future COVID-19 legislation, low-wealth and poor families are struggling more and more each day. The new report outlines how without actions like extending unemployment insurance, providing housing assistance, or investing in health care, poorer families will suffer even more.  

Democrats are fighting to provide opportunity and economic support to all Americans by passing the Heroes Act. This bill would extend unemployment payments and cash assistance, establish heroes pay for frontline workers, invest in health care centers and hospitals, provide billions to keep people in their homes, expand funding for internet access and connectivity, and more.
