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Majority Leader Schumer Statement On The Election Of Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement tonight after the House of Representatives voted to elect Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House:

“Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s dream job could turn into a nightmare for the American people. To get the votes, he surrendered to demands of a fringe element of the Republican party. Kevin McCarthy’s concessions to the extremists in his party make it far more likely that the MAGA Republican controlled House will cause a government shutdown or a default with devastating consequences to our country. 

“Americans want Congress to build on the historic bipartisan achievements from the last two years, not more gridlock. House Republicans will have to reach across the aisle and work with Democrats if there is any hope of getting things done to improve the lives of the American people or to prevent a government shutdown or default. Republicans have a choice to make: will they continue to capitulate to the extreme MAGA Republicans who want to hold our country hostage or will they stand up to them and work with Democrats in a bipartisan way to help America’s working families. Democrats are ready to get to work.”
