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DPCC Report: Republican Lawsuit to Repeal the ACA Threatens Health Care of Millions of Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, today released a report highlighting what would be at stake if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was eliminated.

 The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will soon rule on the Texas v. United States case, a lawsuit brought by 18 Republican Attorneys General and Governors to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.

 “Health care is a basic human right and the Senate should be working to lower the costs of health care and medicine. Unfortunately, Republicans are continuing their efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and strip away protections from the 133 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. Senate Democrats are committed to protecting the health care of middle-class families and making sure that every person has access to the care they need,” said Senator Stabenow.

 “The Trump administration is doing everything in their power to sabotage our health care and destroy pre-existing condition protections for millions of Americans,” said Leader Schumer. “If the Republican lawsuit to repeal the Affordable Care Act is successful, it would dismantle our entire health care system, and leave millions of Americans without the critical pre-existing condition protections that they rely on. Every single American will be affected – whether you have employer insurance, are on Medicare or Medicaid, or have a pre-existing condition. Republicans must stop their health care sabotage.”

 If the Trump Administration and Republicans succeed in their Fifth Circuit Court case and strike down the entire ACA, health care for millions of Americans would be at risk, including the following devastating effects:


·        Protections for people with pre-existing conditions would be eliminated.

·        The number of uninsured people in the U.S. would increase by 19.9 million, or 65%.

·        Insurance companies could once again impose lifetime and annual limits and kick young adults off their parents’ health insurance plans.

·        Women’s health care costs would rise.

·        Mental health and addiction services could be eliminated.

·        Prescription drug costs would skyrocket.

·        Access to home and community-based services would be in jeopardy for seniors.