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Forum to Hear from Witnesses with Knowledge of Puzder’s Business Practices and Treatment of Workers

On Tuesday, January 10 at 3:00pm, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA), and Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC) Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) hosted a forum with witnesses who provided information on Department of Labor nominee Andrew Puzder - including fast food workers at Puzder's businesses and employment experts.  Video of the event is available below.


Roberto Ramirez, Carl's Jr., CA

Roberto has worked in the fast food industry for over 20 years, mostly at Carl's Jr. He regularly worked off the clock and had one of his paychecks stolen by his manager. When he complained, his hours were cut and ultimately he was fired.


Laura McDonald, General Manager at Carl's Jr. from 1988-2012

Ms. McDonald has routinely worked 15 hours of unpaid overtime in a week and is often called in to work during vacation days. She worked at the company before and after it was taken over by Mr. Puzder and has said that the wage theft accelerated under Mr. Puzder. She ultimately left the job after the stress and physical work required her to take some medical leave. She is one of the employees who is the subject of a class action lawsuit against CKE related to unpaid overtime.


Lupe Garcia Guzman, Graveyard Shift Leader at Carl's Jr.

Ms. Guzman is a 47-year-old single mother of 6 who has been working at Carl's for 7 years. She makes $8.75 an hour and has to rely on SNAP, Medicaid, and public housing assistance to supplement her meager wages. Because of rising costs since she began working at Carl's 7 years ago, she is having even more difficulty making ends meet than when she started.


Christine Owens, Executive Director of the National Employment Law Project

Ms. Owens is an experienced workers' rights advocate who has played a large role in campaigns to increase the federal minimum wage and in similar state and local campaigns across the country. She is an expert in labor market research, living and minimum wages, and workplace equity issues.



Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)