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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On The Nomination Of Judge Sanket Bulsara To Serve As A District Judge On The Eastern District Of New York And The Senate Continuing To Confirm President Biden’s Well-Qualified And Diverse Judicial Nominees

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor ahead of the Senate vote on the nomination of Judge Sanket Bulsara to serve as a District Judge on the Eastern District in New York. Once confirmed, Bulsara will be the 195th judge confirmed by the Senate since President Biden took office. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Today, the Senate will continue processing more of President Biden’s outstanding nominees.

This morning, the Senate will vote on cloture on the nomination of Judge Sanket Bulsara, to serve as a district judge on the Eastern District in New York.

I was proud to push President Biden to nominate this amazing New Yorker and exceptionally qualified legal mind. Judge Bulsara made history in 2017 as the first South Asian American judge to serve in any court within the Second Circuit when he was appointed the Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District.

New York’s South Asian population is one of the fastest growing in our state and in our country – so I am proud to support Judge Bulsara because he will make our courts a better reflection of the communities they serve.

And once confirmed, Judge Bulsara will represent a milestone for the Senate: he will be the 195th – 195th – judge confirmed by this body since President Biden took office, and we are going to keep going.

Americans deserve jurists they can trust to be fair, to be qualified, and who appreciate the human impact of their decisions. Judge Bulsara perfectly fits that noble ideal.
