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Schumer Statement on Improved Hearing Schedule for Cabinet Nominees

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer released the following statement on the progress Senate Democrats have made to ensure fair, thorough hearings for the American people:

“We’ve gone from six hearings to three on Wednesday, and that’s good progress. This is a good first step but there is more road to travel.

“The cabinet confirmation process is serious because these nominees could have so much influence over people's lives. So many of them are billionaires and corporate titans with complex financial holdings that raise the possibility of conflicts of interest, which requires careful scrutiny. Many of these nominees have also held views that are diametrically opposed to the President-elect’s statements during the campaign and they have an obligation to tell the American people where they stand now. This proposed cabinet is unlike any other in terms of its wealth, corporate connections and hard right ideological views, and the American people deserve nothing less than open and deliberate hearings going forward. Democrats will do everything we can to make sure that happens.

“As we have long said, Democrats will not be dilatory as long as the nominees’ paperwork is in and there is adequate time to prepare for and ask questions during the hearings. The nominees with hearings today have turned in their paperwork, but several others scheduled have yet to meet that standard. This new hearing schedule is a very good first step but we still have a ways to go.”