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Schumer Statement on Leaked GOP Affordable Care Act Repeal and Replacement Plan

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today released the below statement following POLITICO’s publication of a House Republican Affordable Care Act replacement plan:

“The leaked House replacement ‘plan’ confirms what we’ve known all along: Republicans are determined to put insurance companies back in charge, make health insurance more expensive for millions of Americans, restrict women’s access to vital health services by defunding Planned Parenthood, shift costs to states and dismantle Medicaid, while kicking millions more off of their plan. And to resurrect a new Cadillac tax, despised by labor and workers – give me a break. This isn’t a replacement, it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s no wonder Republicans are getting an earful back home from constituents who want them to turn back from their dangerous plan to make America sick again. The Republicans ought to rip this plan up and drop their reckless repeal effort.”