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Schumer Statement on President Trump’s Budget Blueprint

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today released the statement below in response to President Trump’s budget blueprint:

“It is clear from this budget blueprint that President Trump fully intends to break his promises to working families by taking a meat ax to programs that benefit the middle-class. A cut this steep almost certainly means cuts to agencies that protect consumers from Wall Street excess and protect clean air and water. Most Americans didn’t vote to ease up on polluters, or to give Wall Street the green light to rip them off.  They certainly didn’t vote to make all these cuts so that President Trump can hand out a tax break to the wealthiest Americans.

“This budget proposal is a reflection of exactly who this President is and what today’s Republican Party believes in: helping the wealthy and special interests while putting further burdens on the middle class and those struggling to get there.”