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Schumer Statement on President Trump’s Climate Protection Roll-Back

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today released the following statement after President Trump signed an executive order rolling back efforts to fight climate change:

“If there was any doubt that big oil was back in charge under the Trump administration, today’s executive order lays that to rest. It reads as if it was written in an Exxon board room, with no regard for the health and safety of the American people, or the planet. This executive order is nothing more than a giveaway to big oil at the expense of the health and safety of our children and the bank accounts of hard working middle-class families. Simply put, the Trump administration has put the health of the American people and the future of our planet on the back burner all for the sake of lining the pockets of big oil and extreme-right special interests. The United States should be investing in cleaner water and cleaner air and in renewable energy, not ignoring basic scientific facts and rolling back the great progress we’ve made in addressing climate change.

“Today’s announcement comes on the heels of the egregious decision to reverse fuel economy standards that are saving American families money at the pump, making air cleaner to breathe and reducing our dependence on foreign oil. The Trump administration also passed a law making it easier for big oil companies to hide bribes to foreign governments and proposed a budget blueprint that would eviscerate American investments in science, research, public health and safety. I will never stop fighting to protect the environment, the integrity of our government, and the health and safety of our children, and I hope the Trump administration and Congressional Republicans will appreciate the significance of doing so too.”