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Schumer Statement on President Trump’s Failure to Label China a Currency Manipulator

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today released the statement below in response to the United States Treasury report that was released today, which made official President’s Trump’s reluctance to label China as a currency manipulator which he stated previously in a Wall Street Journal interview:

“Unfortunately the President’s failure to name China a currency manipulator is symptomatic of a lack of real, tough action on trade against China. China steals our intellectual property, doesn’t let American companies compete in China, and has manipulated their currency causing the loss of millions of jobs. While they’re not manipulating their currency at the moment because it doesn’t suit their economic needs, make no mistake about it, as soon as the tide turns they will. When the President fails to label them a currency manipulator, he gives them a green light to steal our jobs and wealth time and time again.

“The best way to get China to cooperate with North Korea, is to be tough on them with trade, which is the number one thing China’s government cares about.”