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Schumer Statement on Republican Efforts to Defund Planned Parenthood

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today called on Republicans to quit prioritizing partisan politics over the well-being of American women.

“With their renewed assault on the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood, Republicans have once again shown they are willing to prioritize partisan, regressive politics ahead of the health and well-being of American women. The Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood bring critical health security to women across the country and ensure they can no longer be denied care simply due to their gender. For nearly half a century, Planned Parenthood has relied partially on federal funding to provide vital health services to women, providing a wide range of services, from cancer screenings to reproductive health education. These services have particularly benefitted women and families of lower income levels. It is unacceptable that Republicans are again willing to endanger the lives of women by putting their access to affordable healthcare on the chopping block. Senate Democrats continue to stand with women -- and we are going to fight tooth and nail to prevent these Republican attempts to make America sick again.”