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Schumer Statement on the Failure of Trumpcare Bill

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today released the statement below in response to the failure of the Trumpcare bill:

“Ultimately, the TrumpCare bill failed because of two traits that have plagued the Trump presidency since he took office: incompetence and broken promises. In my life, I have never seen an administration as incompetent as the one occupying the White House today.

“They can’t write policy that actually makes sense, they can’t implement the policies they do manage to write, they can’t get their stories straight, and today we’ve learned that they can’t close a deal, and they can’t count votes.

“So much for the Art of the Deal.

“I also have never seen a President break as many promises to working people as this President has done in just over two months. President Trump said we’re going to have health insurance for everyone that’s going to cost less. TrumpCare would have done exactly the opposite. This bill would have been a boon for the wealthy, providing a huge tax cut for Americans making over $250,000, while causing premiums to rise by more than $12,000 for lower income seniors.

“Today should be the last day the cloud of TrumpCare hangs over the American people.”