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VIDEO: Senate Democrats Agree With President Trump – The GOP Health Care Bill Is, In Fact, “Mean”

Following House GOP’s Passage Of Trumpcare Bill – Which Would Result In 23 Million More Uninsured – The President Held A Ceremony In the Rose Garden Where He Lauded The Bill As “Great” – But Just A Few Weeks Later, He Called The Bill “Mean” Senate Dems Say They Agree – Bill That Would Throw Millions Off Their Health Care, Allow Insurers To Discriminate Against Women, People With Disabilities, And Those With Preexisting Conditions, And Charge Older Americans More For Less Care, Is Exactly What

Washington, D.C. – In a newly released video, Senate Democrats show that they agree with President Trump on one thing – the GOP’s Trumpcare bill is, as he reportedly called it, “mean.” When House Republicans successfully passed their Trumpcare bill that would leave 23 million more Americans uninsured, the President and GOP leaders celebrated in the Rose Garden. However, now that there has been public outrage over their cruel bill, even the President has reportedly called it “mean.” Senate Republicans have said that their new Trumpcare bill could be as much as 80 percent similar to the House bill – an approach that would still be “mean” and harmful to millions of Americans. Senate Democrats released the video today on the heels of their efforts last night to hold the floor and demand that the American people be allowed to see the Senate Republican bill.

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The text of the remarks that appear in the video is below:

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA):  Here's the truth. The House Trumpcare bill isn't just mean, it is devastating.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI):  The President of the United States called it mean. I agree with him. It is mean, and it's definitely a bad deal for the people I represent in Michigan.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ):  People look at the House bill, a bill that our President even called mean, and they're fearing for their own communities, fearing for families like theirs.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA):  One of the reasons the House bill was so bad, condemned even by President Trump who labeled it mean, was because it flowed from a bad process. The House held no hearings on the final bill. There was not meaningful testimony from patients or health care providers.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA):  We've been told that it's about 80% the same as the bill that was passed by the House, a bill so catastrophic that even the President of the United States, who hailed its passage, now calls it, quote, mean. We know that it would throw 23 million Americans off their health insurance within a decade, including putting 4 million to 5 million Californians at risk of losing coverage.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA):   It would create an age tax for older Americans. That would be mean. That it would cut Medicaid coverage for grandma and grandpa to get a nursing home bed if they had Alzheimer's. That would be mean.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN):  Even President Trump reportedly now considers the House bill, quote, mean. It went from great to mean. In the Rose Garden, it was great. Now just a few weeks later, that same great bill is mean.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI):  It is mean, mean, mean, dirty, rotten mean.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR):  Why did the President call it mean? Because it was taking away health care from an estimated 23 million people?

Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA): People have said it’s probably going to be 80% of what’s in the House bill. Well I can tell you, I can agree with President Trump. That was a mean bill. And so, if it is just 80% mean, I guarantee you it's still going to be mean.

