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The Floor
Floor Feed

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  • On the Nomination: nomination Janet C. Hall to be U.S. District Judge Result: Confirmed (98-1, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Nomination: nomination Christopher Droney to be U.S. District Judge Result: Confirmed (100-0, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Nomination: nomination of joseph bataillon to be u.s. district judge Result: Confirmed (100-0, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: s.1061, as amended; An original bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, and for other purposes. Result: Passed (92-8, 1/2 threshold) Details:...
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1070: GREGG AMDT NO. 1070, AS MODIFIED; To prohibit the use of funds for national testing in reading and mathematics, with certain exceptions. Result: Agreed to (87-13, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1081: NICKLES AMDT NO. 1081, AS AMENDED; To limit the use of taxpayer funds for any future International Brotherhood of Teamsters leadership election. Result: Agreed to (58-42, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: s.1061, as amended; An original bill making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, and for other purposes. Result: Passed (92-8, 1/2 threshold) Details:...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1122: Motion to table Gorton amdt. no. 1122, as modified; To provide certain education funding directly to local educational agencies. Result: Rejected (49-51, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1070: GREGG AMDT NO. 1070, AS MODIFIED; To prohibit the use of funds for national testing in reading and mathematics, with certain exceptions. Result: Agreed to (87-13, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1081: NICKLES AMDT NO. 1081, AS AMENDED; To limit the use of taxpayer funds for any future International Brotherhood of Teamsters leadership election. Result: Agreed to (58-42, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 1122: Motion to table Gorton amdt. no. 1122, as modified; To provide certain education funding directly to local educational agencies. Result: Rejected (49-51, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1116: daschle amendment no. 1116 as modified; To express the sense of the Senate regarding Federal Pell Grants and a child literacy initiative. Result: Agreed to (96-3, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1098: coverdell amendment no. 1098; To enhance food safety for children through preventative research and medical treatment. Result: Agreed to (91-8, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion S.Amdt. 1087: Motion to waive CBA, re:wellstone amdt. no. 1087; To increase funding for the Head Start Act. Result: Rejected (27-72, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1116: daschle amendment no. 1116 as modified; To express the sense of the Senate regarding Federal Pell Grants and a child literacy initiative. Result: Agreed to (96-3, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1118: murray amendment no. 1118; To clarify the family violence option under the temporary assistance to needy families program. Result: Agreed to (98-1, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1098: coverdell amendment no. 1098; To enhance food safety for children through preventative research and medical treatment. Result: Agreed to (91-8, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion S.Amdt. 1087: Motion to waive CBA, re:wellstone amdt. no. 1087; To increase funding for the Head Start Act. Result: Rejected (27-72, 1 member not voting, 3/5 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1118: murray amendment no. 1118; To clarify the family violence option under the temporary assistance to needy families program. Result: Agreed to (98-1, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1078: durbin amendment no.1078 as amended; To repeal the tobacco industry settlement credit contained in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 as amended. Result: Agreed to (95-3, 2 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]