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The Floor
Floor Feed

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  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5178: motion to table bumpers amendment no. 5178; To reduce the appropriation for the implementation of the space station program for the purpose of terminating the program. Result: Agreed to (61-36, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table: motion to table committee amendment on page 104 lines 21-24; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending...
  • On the Motion to Table: motion to table committee amendment on page 104 lines 21-24; A bill making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions, corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending...
  • On the Conference Report: conference report H.R. 3448; A bill to provide tax relief for small businesses, to protect jobs, to create opportunities, to increase the take home pay of workers, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (76-22, 2 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Conference Report: conference report H.R. 3103; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote...
  • On the Conference Report: conference report H.R. 3448; A bill to provide tax relief for small businesses, to protect jobs, to create opportunities, to increase the take home pay of workers, and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (76-22, 2 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Conference Report: conference report H.R. 3103; A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote...
  • On the Conference Report: conference report s.1316; A bill to reauthorize and amend title XIV of the Public Health Service Act (commonly known as the "Safe Drinking Water Act"), and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (98-0, 2 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Conference Report: conference report s.1316; A bill to reauthorize and amend title XIV of the Public Health Service Act (commonly known as the "Safe Drinking Water Act"), and for other purposes. Result: Agreed to (98-0, 2 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Conference Report: Conference Report H.R.3734; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201(a)(1) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1997. Result: Agreed to (78-21, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Conference Report: Conference Report H.R.3734; A bill to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 201(a)(1) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 1997. Result: Agreed to (78-21, 1 member not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: h.r.3675, as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, and for other purposes. Result: Passed (95-2, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: h.r.3675, as amended; A bill making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, and for other purposes. Result: Passed (95-2, 3 members not voting, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5141: Motion to table amdt. no. 5141; To require the calculation of Federal-aid highway apportionments and allocations for fiscal year 1997 to be determined so that States experience no net effect from a credit to the Highway Trust Fund made in correction of an...
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5141: Motion to table amdt. no. 5141; To require the calculation of Federal-aid highway apportionments and allocations for fiscal year 1997 to be determined so that States experience no net effect from a credit to the Highway Trust Fund made in correction of an...
  • On Passage of the Bill: s.1936 as amended; A bill to amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. Result: Passed (63-37, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On Passage of the Bill: s.1936 as amended; A bill to amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. Result: Passed (63-37, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5073: motion to table bryan amdt no. 5073; To specify contractual obligations between DOE and waste generators. Result: Agreed to (73-27, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5073: motion to table bryan amdt no. 5073; To specify contractual obligations between DOE and waste generators. Result: Agreed to (73-27, 1/2 threshold) Details: [click here]
  • On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 5037: motion to table wellstone amdt no. 5037; To protect the taxpayer by ensuring that the Secretary of Energy does not accept title to high-level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel unless protection of public safety or health or the environment so require. Result:...