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  • Cloture was not invoked on S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, by a vote of 43-54. There will be no further roll call votes today. Senator Klobuchar asked unanimous consent that the Senate enter Executive Session to consider the following nominations: Executive Calendar #263, Samuel D. Heins,...
  • 12:05pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act; Not Invoked: 43-54. Senator McConnell entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote at a later time.
  • 11:32am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) to S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. If cloture is not invoked, there would be an immediate cloture vote on the underlying bill. Not Invoked: 46-50, 1 responded...
  • Senator Murkowski asked unanimous consent that it be in order to call up the following amendments to S.2012: #3129 Stabenow (Flint water); #3282 Murkowski 2nd degree on Flint; #3242 Cantwell; #3055 Flake; #3050 Flake #4234 Murkowski / Cantwell; #3203 Isakson; #3232 Markey; and #3192 Cassidy. Senator...
  • As a reminder, at 11:30am the Senate will vote on the motion to invoke cloture with respect to Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) to S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. If cloture is not invoked, the Senate will then vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the underlying bill, S.2012.
  • The cloture vote with respect to Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) to S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, has been moved to 11:30am. The additional time will be equally divided in the usual form. As a result, the filing deadline for 2nd degree amendments to the substitute and bill will be...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Thursday, February 4, 2016. Following any leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Calendar #218, S. 2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, until 11:00am with the time equally divided between the two managers or their designees. At 11:00am,...
  • No Roll Call Votes Legislative Business Passed H.R.3033, Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia Act, with Lee/Murray amendment. Passed H.R.907, U.S.-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act, with Rubio amendment. Adopted S.Res.357, recognizing the goals of Catholic School Week and honoring the...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that following morning business on Wednesday, February 10, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of Calendar #359, H.R.757, North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act of 2016. There will be up to 7 hours of debate equally divided in the usual form. Following the...
  • Senator Cardin asked unanimous consent that the Senate enter Executive Session to consider the following nominations: Executive Calendar #375, Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., to be an Under Secretary of State (Political Affairs); and Executive Calendar #329, John L. Estrada, to be Ambassador to the Republic...
  • As a reminder, yesterday cloture was filed on Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) and S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. The cloture vote on the substitute amendment to S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes tomorrow, Thursday, February 4,...
  • Yesterday, Senator McConnell filed cloture on Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) and S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. The filing deadline for first degree amendments to the substitute and bill is 1:00pm today, Wednesday, February 3. Amendments must be germane and timely filed to be...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Following any leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for 1 hour with the time equally divided, and with the Democrats controlling the first half and Republicans controlling the final half. Following...
  • Roll Call Votes Lee amendment #3023 (national monuments); not agreed to: 47-48. Franken amendment #3115 (energy efficiency); not agreed to: 43-52. Barrasso #3030 (natural gas gathering lines); not agreed to: 52-43. Sullivan #2996 (repeals rules); not agreed to: 49-46. Schatz #3176 (phase out tax...
  • The Senate agreed to the following amendments to S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act, by voice vote: Hirono #3064 (energy workforce pilot grant) Hirono #3065, as modified (energy workforce pilot grant) Klobuchar #3179 (grid storage program) Carper-Inhofe #3145 (Federal purchase requirement,...
  • This evening Senator McConnell filed cloture on Murkowski amendment #2953 (substitute) and S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. Unless an agreement is reached, the cloture vote on the substitute would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes on Thursday, February 4th. The filing deadline for first...
  • The Durbin amendment #3095 (increase funding for DOE Office of Science) was agreed to by voice vote. At 4:23, the Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Whitehouse amendment #3125 (campaign financial disclosure). Not Agreed To: 43-52 This will be the last vote of the day.
  • At 4:01pm, the Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Schatz #3176 (phase out tax preference-fossil fuels); Not Agreed To: 45-50 Next - 10 minute votes: Durbin #3095 (increase funding for DOE Office of Science) Whitehouse #3125 (campaign financial disclosure)
  • 3:41pm The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Sullivan amendment #2996 (repeals rules) Not Agreed To: 49-46 Next - 10 minute votes: Schatz #3176 (phase out tax preference-fossil fuels) Durbin #3095 (increase funding for DOE Office of Science) Whitehouse #3125 (campaign financial disclosure)
  • The Rounds amendment #3182, as modified, was agreed to by voice vote. At 3:20pm, the Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Barrasso amendment #3030 (natural gas gathering lines). Not Agreed to: 52-43. Next - 10 minute votes: Sullivan #2996 (repeals rules) Schatz #3176 (phase out tax...