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  • 3:03pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on McConnell amendment #2328 (ACA repeal); Not Invoked: 49-43 Next: Cloture on Kirk amendment #2327 (Ex-Im reauthorization), if cloture is invoked, then Cruz appeal of the chair: Shall the ruling of the chair stand...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm on Sunday, July 26, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill. The filing deadline for all first degree amendments to the substitute amendment #2266, as modified, and the...
  • Roll Call Votes Adoption of the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill; agreed to: 51-26. Legislative Business Began the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business S.1861, Prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood (Paul). No Executive...
  • Senator Cruz attempted to called up amendment #2301 to the McConnell amendment #2266, as modified. The chair ruled that the amendment is not in order to be offered as it is inconsistent with the Senate's precedents with respect to the offering of amendments, their number degree, and kind. Senator...
  • McConnell amendment #2266, as modified (highway substitute) McConnell first degree amendment #2421 to SA #2266 (highway/transportation with technical changes and without Ex-Im) McConnell for Inhofe second degree amendment #2533 to SA #2421 (highway/transportation with technical changes and with...
  • The motion to proceed to H.R.22 was agreed to 51-26. Senator McConnell then offered the following amendments (substitute, ExIm, repeal ACA, 2 month extension, and date change): McConnell amendment #2266, as modified (highway substitute) McConnell for Kirk first degree amendment # 2327 (Ex-Im...
  • 9:03am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the highway bill; Agreed To: 5-26
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:00am on Friday, July 24, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to vote on adoption of the motion to proceed to motion to proceed to H.R.22 , the legislative vehicle for the highway bill.
  • No Roll Call Votes   Legislative Business Passed Cal. #114, H.R.23, National Windstorm Impact Reduction Act Reauthorization of 2015. Passed Cal. #149, H.R.2499, To amend the Small Business Act to increase access to capital for veteran entrepreneurs, to help create jobs, and for other purposes with a...
  • The Senate continues to debate the motion to proceed to H.R.22, post-cloture. Under regular order, the post-cloture time would expire at 2:00am. Senator McConnell announced that we will vote on adoption of the motion to proceed at 9:00am tomorrow, Friday, July 24. We expect that to be a roll call...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Thursday, July 23, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to H.R.22, post-cloture. All time during adjournment of the Senate will count post-cloture.
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill, upon reconsideration; invoked: 62-36. Legislative Business Passed Calendar #151, S.1599, Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2015, with a committee-reported...
  • Cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the highway bill, upon reconsideration, was invoked by a vote of 62-36. There will now be up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate. There will be no further roll call votes today.
  • 7:31pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the highway bill, upon reconsideration; Invoked: 62-36 The Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to the motion to reconsider and the motion to...
  • The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the Chair.
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each, with the Republicans controlling the first hour and the Democrats controlling...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway bill; not agreed to: 41-56. Legislative Business Completed the Rule 14 process to place on the Legislative Calendar of Business H.R.3038, Highway bill. Adopted S.Res.227, condemning...
  • 4:18pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.22, the legislative vehicle for the Highway legislation; Not Invoked: 21-56 Senator McConnell entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote at a later time.
  • The Senate stands in recess until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings. There is a cloture vote on the motion to proceed to H.R. 2, the legislative vehicle Senator McConnell intends to use for a highway bill, scheduled to begin at 2:15pm today, but we expect it to be delayed until 4:00pm.
  • The Senate will convene at 10:00am on Tuesday, July 21. Following any leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business, with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each until 12:30pm. The Senate will recess from 12:30pm until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus...