The debate time until 3:45pm is structured in the following manner:
10-11am - Republican time
11-12pm - Democratic time
12-1pm - Republican time
1-2pm - Democratic time
2-2:30pm - Republican time
2:30-3pm - Democratic time
3-3:45pm - equally divided between the Leaders or their designees
Senator McConnell asked unanimous consent that at 3:30pm today the Senate vote on H.J.Res.61, as amended with McConnell amendment #2640 (Iran Resolution of Disapproval) with a majority vote threshold.
Senator Reid objected.
Senator Reid then asked consent that at 3:45pm today the Senate vote on...
The Senate stands adjourned under the provisions of S.Res.250 until 9:30am on Thursday, September 10, 2015.
Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.J.Res.61, the legislative vehicle for the Congressional disapproval of the proposed Iran nuclear agreement. Debate will...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Passed Calendar #178, S.349, to empower individuals with disabilities to establish their own supplemental needs trusts.
Passed Calendar #196, S.1603, Border Jobs for Veterans Act of 2015, with Johnson substitute amendment.
Adopted S.Res.250, relative to the...
This evening Senator McConnell filed cloture on McConnell substitute amendment #2640 and on H.J.Res.61, the legislative vehicle for the Congressional disapproval of the proposed Iran nuclear agreement. The cloture motion would ripen on Friday, but Senator McConnell said he is hopeful we'll be able...
The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Wednesday, September 9, 2015.
Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.J.Res.61, the legislative vehicle for the Congressional disapproval of the proposed Iran nuclear agreement. The time until 12:30pm will be equally...
Roll Call Votes
Confirmation of Executive Calendar #82, Roseann Ketchmark, of Missouri, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Missouri; confirmed: 96-0.
Legislative Business
Agreed to S. Res. 243 - 35th anniversary of Small Business Development Centers.
No Executive...
The Senate is in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. There will be no further roll call votes during today's session of the Senate.
5:33pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #82, Roseann Ketchmark to be US District Judge for the Western District of Missouri;
Confirmed: 96-0
The Senate convened at 2:00pm.
Following Leader remarks, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of H.J.Res.61. Senator McConnell offered substitute amendment #2640, related to Congressional disapproval of the proposed Iran nuclear agreement, and then filled the amendment tree with date change...
The Senate stands adjourned until 11:30am on Thursday, August 6 for a pro forma session, with the Record being kept open from 11:30am until 1:30pm for the introduction of bills and resolutions, statements, and cosponsor requests. Committees will also be allowed to file bills and reports on August 28...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Agreed to H.Con.Res.72, the Adjournment Resolution.
Passed H.R. 212, Drinking Water Protection.
Passed S. 1523, National Estuary Program with Whitehouse amendment.
Passed S.1707, to designate the Federal building located at 617 Walnut Street in Helena,...
This evening, the Senate passed the following EPW bills:
H.R. 212, Drinking Water Protection; and
1523, National Estuary Program with Whitehouse amendment.
The Senate then agreed to H.Con.Res.72, the Adjournment Resolution.
The Senate also completed the Executive action listed below:
Confirmed the...
Senator Murray asked unanimous consent that at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader, following consultation with the Democratic Leader, and no later than Friday, October 30th, the HELP committee be discharged from further consideration of the following bills, the Senate proceed to their...
The Senate has reached agreements with respect to cybersecurity and Iran joint resolution of disapproval. As a result, there will be no further roll call votes this month.
Following Leader remarks on Tuesday, September 8, the Senate will proceed to the consideration of H.J.Res.61, and then the...
The 2:00pm cloture vote on the motion to proceed to S.754, cybersecurity, will be delayed as negotiations on an agreement continue. Another message will be sent as more information becomes available.
The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Wednesday, August 5, 2015.
Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S.754, Cybersecurity. The time following Leader remarks until the cloture vote will be equally divided between the Managers or their...
No Roll Call Votes
Legislative Business
Passed H.R.1138, Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Jerry Peak Wilderness Additions Act.
Passed Calendar #159, S.1297: U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act.
Passed S.267: General of the Army Omar Bradley Property Transfer Act of 2015.