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The Floor
Floor Feed

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  • 4:03pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on adoption of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.2146, TPA; Agreed to: 60-38
  • The Senate has reached an agreement that results in a series of up to 5 votes at 4:00pm today. The vote sequence is as follows: 4:00pm votes: Adoption of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.2146 (TPA); Cloture on motion to concur with respect to H.R.1295 (AGOA/Preferences) with an amendment...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, Trade Promotion Authority, post-cloture. Unless an agreement is reached, the vote on adoption of...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, Trade Promotion Authority; Invoked: 60-37. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.209, Ulysses S. Grant. Adopted S.Res.210, Wyoming 125th Anniversary. Completed the Rule 14...
  • Cloture on the motion to concur with respect to TPA was invoked 60-37. There will now be up to 30 hours for debate prior to a vote on the motion to concur. Senators will be notified when the next vote is scheduled. The Senate will recess from 12:30 until 2:15pm to allow for the weekly caucus...
  • 11:04am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, Trade Promotion Authority; Invoked: 60-37
  • This morning, Senator McConnell made a motion to go to conference on the Customs Enforcement bill, H.R.644, and filed cloture on the motion. Under the rules to go to conference with the compound motion, there is up to 2 hours for debate equally divided prior to the cloture vote. Then, if cloture is...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 10:00am on Tuesday, June 23, 2015. The cloture vote on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, TPA, will occur at approximately 11:00am. If cloture is invoked, there would be up to 30 hours for debate on the motion to concur...
  • Roll Call Votes Confirmation of Executive Calendar #156, Peter V. Neffenger, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security; Confirmed: 81-1. Legislative Business Passed H.R.91, Veterans I.D. Card Act, with Blumenthal substitute amendment. Began the Rule 14 process to place on the...
  • As a reminder, we expect 1 roll call and 1 voice vote at 5:30pm tonight. The roll call vote should be on confirmation of the Neffenger nomination and the voice vote should be on confirmation of the Elliott nomination. 5:30pm - 1 roll call vote, 1 voice vote expected: Confirmation of Executive...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 3:00pm on Monday, June 22, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:00pm with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. There is a 4:00pm filing deadline for all germane first-degree...
  • Roll Call Votes Passage of H.R.1735, NDAA, as amended; passed: 71-25. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to R.2685, Department of Defense Appropriations; not invoked: 50-45. Legislative Business Passed Calendar #98, S.808: Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of...
  • This evening, Senator McConnell filed cloture with respect to TPA and Preferences/TAA, and filled the amendment and motion trees. He filed cloture on the motion to concur in the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R.2146, TPA. He then filed cloture on the motion to concur in the House...
  • The Senate is in a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each.
  • 2:20pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.2685 (DOD Appropriations); Not Invoked: 50-45. Senator McConnell changed his vote to no and entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote at a later time.
  • 1:46pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on passage of H.R.1735, as amended (NDAA); Passed: 71-25 Next: 1. Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.2685, DOD Approps
  • The Senate has adopted a managers package to NDAA. Below you will find a list of agreed to amendments. We then reached an agreement that sets up 2 roll call votes at 1:45pm today, with the time until 1:45pm equally divided and for debate only. At 1:45pm, the Senate will vote on the following...
  • The Senate has resumed consideration of H.R.1735, NDAA, post-cloture. There is a good chance we reach an agreement to yield back time and vote after lunch (1:45pm range). If no agreement is reached, the vote on passage would occur at 4:00pm. Upon disposition of NDAA, there will be a cloture vote on...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business for 1 hour, with the Republicans controlling the first half and the Democrats controlling the final half. Following morning business, the Senate will...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on H.R.1735, NDAA, as amended; invoked: 84-14. Legislative Business The Senate agreed to the following pending amendments by voice vote: Hatch-Inhofe-Mikulski SA #1911, as further modified; McCain SA #1456; and McCain substitute amendment #1463, as...