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  • The Senate stands adjourned until 2:00pm on Monday, March 2, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the House Message to accompany H.R.240, DHS appropriations. Prior to adjourning on Friday, the Senate passed H.R.33, as amended with a substitute amendment...
  • Roll Call Votes Cloture on H.R.240, DHS appropriations; invoked: 68-31. Lee motion to table McConnell amendment #258; not agreed to: 34-65. Adoption of  Cochran-Mikulski-Shaheen amendment #255 (clean DHS funding); adopted: 66-33. Passage of H.R.240, as amended; passed: 68-31. Cloture on the motion...
  • The Senate passed H.R. 33, as amended with a substitute amendment (SA#268) that contains a 7 day CR to fund the Department of Homeland Security through March 6, 2015. The House Message with respect to H.R.240, Department of Homeland Security appropriations, was laid before the Senate. We expect...
  • The Senate stands in recess subject to the call of the Chair while we await House action on DHS appropriations.
  • 11:28am The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 534, a bill to prohibit funds from being used to carry out certain Executive actions related to immigration and for other purposes. Not Agreed To: 57-42.
  • 11:10am The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on Passage of H.R.240, as amended. Passed: 68-31
  • 10:52am The Senate began a 10 minute roll call vote on adoption of the Cochran-Mikulski-Shaheen amendment #255 (clean DHS funding). Adopted: 66-33
  • Cloture was invoked on H.R.240, DHS appropriations, by a vote of 68-31. Senator Lee asked unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendments so that he can offer amendment #265 (prohibit funding for certain executive memoranda on immigration). Senator Reid objected. Senator Lee moved to table...
  • 10:02am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on H.R.240, a bill making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2015; Invoked: 68-31. Next: --10 minutes of debate for Lee-- Possible Lee motion to table one of the tree filler...
  • The Senate has resumed consideration of H.R.240, DHS appropriations. The time until 10:00am is equally divided between the two Leaders, or their designees. At 10:00am, there will be a cloture vote on the bill. If cloture is invoked, there will be up to 10 minutes for debate for Senator Lee. We...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Friday, February 27, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of H.R.240, DHS appropriations. Prior to adjourning, Senator McConnell yielded back all post-cloture debate time and the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS...
  • All post-cloture debate time was been yielded back and the Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, by voice vote. Senator McConnell then offered Cochran amendment #255 (clean DHS funding), filled the amendment tree with technical amendments, and filed cloture on the...
  • Roll Call Votes Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.88, celebrating Black History Month. Adopted S.Res.76, welcoming the Prime Minister of Israel to the United States for his address to a joint session of Congress, with amendments to the resolution and the title. Adopted S.Res.89, congratulating the...
  • By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted S.Res.76, a resolution welcoming the Prime Minister of Israel to the United States for his address to a joint session of Congress, with amendments to the resolution and the title.
  • By unanimous consent at approximately 3:30pm today, the Senate passed S.527, A bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the Foot Soldiers who participated in Bloody Sunday, Turnaround Tuesday, or in the final Selma to Montgomery Voting Rights March in March of 1965, which served as a catalyst for...
  • By unanimous consent, the Senate adopted S.Res.88, a resolution celebrating Black History Month. The Senate continues to consider the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, post-cloture. The Republicans control the time from 3:15 until 4:15 and the Democrats control the time from 4:15...
  • The Senate continues to debate the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, post-cloture. The Senate will recess from 12:45pm until 1:45pm today. The post-cloture debate time expires around 9:15pm tonight. However, we hope to reach an agreement to expedite its consideration. Another message...
  • Schedule Thursday, February 26, 2015   The Senate stands adjourned until 11:00am on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, post-cloture.
  • Wrap Up for Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Roll Call Votes Cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, upon reconsideration; Invoked: 98-2 Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.86, Recognizing March 3, 2015, as the centennial of the Navy Reserve  No Executive Business
  • Upon reconsideration, cloture was invoked on the motion to proceed to H.R.240, DHS appropriations, by a vote of 98-2 (Sessions and Inhofe voted no). There will now be up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate on the motion to proceed. Upon the use or yielding back of the post-cloture time, the Senate...