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  • On Tuesday, July 29, the Senate will execute the previous order with respect to Executive Calendar #952 Robert Alan McDonald, of Ohio, to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The only debate time will be from 12:00 noon until 12:30pm and from 2:15pm until 2:45pm, equally divided in the usual form. At...
  • Senator Klobuchar asked unanimous consent the Senate take up and adopt S.Res.524, A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding global climate change. Senator Inhofe objected.
  • Senator Reid offered several date change amendments to S.2569, Bring Jobs Home Act, and filed cloture on the bill. Under the rule, the cloture vote would occur 1 hour after the Senate convenes on Wednesday, July 30. Another message will be sent when the vote is scheduled. Senator Reid then moved to...
  • The Senate confirmed the Kaye, Mohorovic, and McKeon nominations by voice votes. Executive Calendar #915, Elliot F. Kaye, of New York, to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a term of seven years from October 27, 2013; confirmed by voice vote Executive Calendar #916,...
  • 5:31pm The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #929, Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit; Confirmed: 50-43 Next-voice votes: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #915, Elliot F. Kaye, of New York, to be a...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until Monday, July 28, 2014, at 2:00pm. Following any leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session and resume consideration of Executive Calendar #929, Pamela Harris, to be United States District Judge for the Fourth Circuit, post cloture, with the time...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #929, Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United States District Judge for the Fourth District; Invoked 54-41. Legislative Business Adopted S.Res.462: Recognizing the Khmer and Lao/Hmong Freedom Fighters of Cambodia and Laos for...
  • The Senate confirmed the following nominations by voice votes. Executive Calendar #777, Lisa S. Disbrow, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force; Executive Calendar #919, Victor M. Mendez, of Arizona, to be Deputy Secretary of Transportation; Confirmation of Executive Calendar...
  • At 1:48pm, the Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #929, Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. Invoked: 54-41
  • The Senate adopted the motion to proceed to calendar #453, S.2569, the Bring Jobs Home Act, by voice vote.
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to vote on confirmation of the Mendez, Rogoff, and Andrews nominations today and on the Kaye, Mohorovic, and McKeon nominations on Monday. Today at 1:45pm there will be up to 6 votes  (1 roll call and 5 voice votes): Adoption of the motion to proceed to calendar...
  • At 3:40pm today, the Senate conduct a moment of silence in memory of the 1998 Capitol shooting that resulted in the deaths of Special Agent John Gibson and Officer Jacob Chestnut.
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the McDonald nomination. At time to be determined by the Majority Leader, with the concurrence of the Republican Leader, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #952 Robert Alan McDonald, of Ohio, to be Secretary of...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Thursday, July 24, 2014. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to calendar #453, S.2569, the Bring Jobs Home Act. At 1:45pm, the Senate will proceed to vote on adoption of the motion to proceed. We...
  • Roll Call Votes Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.2569, Bring Jobs Home Act; Agreed to: 93-7 Legislative Business Passed S.J.Res.40, providing for the appointment of Michael Lynton as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute. Adopted by voice vote...
  • The following nominations were agreed to by voice votes: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #802 Julia Akins Clark, of Maryland, to be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority for a term of five years (voice vote expected); Confirmation of Executive Calendar #786 Andrew H. Schapiro,...
  • Cloture was invoked on the motion to proceed to the Bring Jobs Home Act by a vote of 93-7. The Senate confirmed the Clark, Schapiro, and Creedon nominations by voice votes. There will now be up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate on the motion to proceed to the Bring Jobs Home Act. Another message...
  • 11:00am The Senate began a 15 minute roll call vote on the Motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S.2569, Bring Jobs Home Act; Agreed to: 93-7 The following nominations were agreed to by voice votes: Confirmation of Executive Calendar #802 Julia Akins Clark, of Maryland, to be General...
  • The Senate has reached an agreement to consider the Highway and Transportation Funding Act at a time to be determined. Under the agreement the Wyden, Carper-Corker-Boxer, Lee and Toomey amendments are in order for consideration to the bill. Upon disposition of the amendments, the Senate would...
  • The Senate stands adjourned until 9:30am on Wednesday, July 23, 2014. Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to calendar #453, S.2569, with the time until 11:00am equally divided and controlled between the two Leaders, or their designees. At...